Status: Completed.

Just Off Suicide Avenue is Sevenfold Street

Brian James Elwin & Briann James Isis Haner

Billie James Margarete Seward

Simone Antoinette Charlton-Baxter

Aurora Octavia Gallagher-Wex

Carmine Giovanni Alfieri

Gianna Phebe Alfieri

Connor James Sullivan

Nixon Blaize Baker

Hannah Raegan Sanders

Charles Lee Sanders

Things are happening in Huntington Beach, California.

Most of them are occurring with Sevenfold Street, an underground band.

What makes them so different from all the rest?

RIP James Owen Sullivan
"The Reverend Tholomew Plague"
1981 - 2009

Disclaimer: I don't own Avenged Sevenfold or the girlfriends/wives. That means Matt Sanders (M. Shadows), Brian Haner Jr (Synyster Gates), Zacky Baker (Zacky Vengeance) and Jonathan Seward (Johnny Christ) all own themselves. I also don't own any of the songs I use for any band in the story. All songs used will be credited at the end of the chapter they are used in.
  1. "I'm gonna ***ing die!"
    8/22/2010 8:47PM
  2. "You little shit!"
    12/23/2010 9:37PM
  3. Shitheads and ***tards
    1/9/2011 6:11 PM
  4. DiBenedettos.
    1/16/2011 8:57PM
  5. Cosmopolitan Magazine
    4/7/2011 4:06 PM
  6. Six Months
    05/29/2011 7:33 PM
  7. The Plan
    6/16/2011 3:04 PM
  8. You got it, teach.
    6.17.2011 6:50 PM
  9. Down and Out
    6/23/2011 1:55 PM
  10. They're Back
    6/28/2011 2:11 AM
  11. So Worried
    7/7/2011 9:30 PM
  12. Latin
    7/12/2011 7:26 PM
  13. Do What?
    1/17/2011 3:12 AM
  14. This is for Keeps
    8/8/2011 9:12 PM
  15. Seven Years
    8/11/2011 8:38 pm | The End.