Love Exists...?

Zola moving out

"Zola,please don't get married.You don't know what your getting yourself into."I begged Zola not to leave me.She was like my wingman,or in our case wingwoman.Zola turned around,her long auburn hair whiping around her."I'm sorry B but I love Hayden,I hope you settle down soon too.Your twenty-three."she said with a sincere look on her face."Thanks for making me feel so old."she giggled and carried a box marked BATHROOM SUPPLIES in her neat script."Alright,I have to go to my house.I'll see you later."she blew a kiss o me and I catched it n my hand and put it to my heart.It was our little goodbye handshake that I made up when I went to college ad Zola was still a junior in highschool.She slammed the door and I walked to my goldfish,Louis Vutton."Well I guess it's just me and you Loui."he looked at me with his bug eyes and bubbles coming out of his mouth.I felt kind of board so i put on my Burberry rain boots and grabed my aqua coat and my black umbrella and walked along Central Park.I loved walking in the rain.Thats why Zola and me got an apartment across the street from Central Park.When we first moved here it was January.We weren't use to the clusters of people because we lived in a small town in Tennisee.I closed my umbrella and looked at the sky.I closed my eyes and let the rain fall on my face.All the sudden some broad guy fell on top of me."Oh my God,I'm so sorry."The stranger said.I looked up dumbfounded.He was gourgous!He had deep chocolate brown eyes and jet black hair.It was weird for me because I wasn't really nervous around guys.He grabbed my white cashmere glove and helped me up."Again I'm so sorry."chocolate eyes said with an apologetic look."It's fine,really.I wasn't looking where I was going."I said with a smile on my face.He was looking at my hair for some reason.Oh God,my hair was messed up.I tsomthed down my curly strawberry blonde locks and said,"Whats wrong with my hair?"he met my eyes again."Oh,nohing.It's just weird to see a girl with hair that looks like she put so much time and effort doing it,not using an umbrella."chocolate eyes said with a seductive smile on his face."I returned that smile and started twirling one of my curly locks."Well you should know,this is my natural hair so it only takes me five minutes to do my hair.By the way,I'm Britney Williams."I said holding out my cashmere-gloved hand."Im Nick Jae."he said in his deep sexy voice.He grabbed my hand and shook it."Wanna go and get some coffee?"he asked."Nicholas Jae,are you asking me on a date?"I said with a mischevious grin.He blushed and looked at his feet."Yes."He looked up at me again.I guess he took it as a no and turned around.Before he started walking,I linked my arm through his."I don't wanna come off as difficult,but I only drink Starbucks."he smiled at me and said"Mee too.All other coffee's taste wrong to me."I smiled back as we walked to Starbucks.
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tell me if you like it!!!!feedback plz!!! : )
also temm me if i should stop cuz if im not good than i shouldnt waste my time