Love Exists...?

Let's Make It Official

I woke up on my couch alone.He probally left.Looks like I'll never see him again.I walked to the kitchen to see Nick looking in the fridge."You have absoloutly no breakfast foods in your house."he said looking at me."I don't eat breakfast.Breakfast foods bore me."he laughed."What do you eat?Icecream?"I laughed and shook my head."I'll go to the store and get you eggs."I grabbed my coat and purse and headed for the door.Nick grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back and kicked the door closed."I'll get it."He whispered in my ear."Are you sure?It will be fast."I turned around and faced him."It's okay.I'm not that hungry anyway."He said.I smiled and skipped off to my bedroom to get ready."Are you mad?"he yelled through the door."Not at all.I have to get ready."I said giggling."Oh.okay."I got out a green v-neck long sleeve shirt and black slacks and black boots.I went into the hallway of my apartment and got my long black coat."Wanna come to work with me fast?I have to pick something up."I asked Nick."Okay."He said happily."What do you do?"he asked,struggling to keep up with my fast walking without jogging."I'm the editor of Vouge magazine."When I meet guys I usually tell them I'm a writer for a magazine.If I tell people what I do I feel like they'll always turn to me for money and guys would stick around so they can have some of my money.I feel something different about Nick,well he did stay the morning so I guess its okay for him to see the workplace.We arrived at the building for Vouge magazine."Hello Ms.Williams."George,the guy at the front desk said cheerfully.They know better than to ask me why I'm in on a Sunday.I motioned Nick to come with me in the elevator."Wow.He seems like he's afarid of you."he said suprisingly.I was nice to people outside of work.I was at the vouge floor and everyone gave me a scare hello and everyone was scurrying around."Is this a chinese fire drill?"I yelled.everyone stopped in their tracks.Brielle,my assistant,ran up to me and pushed her shoulder-length fire red hair behind her ears."It's a very busy day and no one knew that you were coming in today."Brielle whispered while eyeing Nick.They weren't use to me bringing in guests to work let alone coming on a day that I'm off."Well Amanda forgot to bring the January edition to my house last night."Brielle looked from side to side worried."Amanda!"sha called.Amanda popped up.She was very tiny,about 5'1 and was very pale and had light blonde hair and pale blue eyes."H-hi.I'm so sorry I forgot your apartment number."I looked down into her blue eyes.I probally seemed like a giant to her because im 5'8."I live in the building across the street from cerntral park,Upper East side and my apartment number is 20 on the seventh floor.Any questions?"she shook her head rapidly ad handed me the book."Thank-you."I said and walked away."Come on Nick."I said and he walked by my side and he held my hand.Once we were out of the building he stated talking"Wow!Your so different when your in work.It's like your scary.They're all intimadated by you!"I laughed."Well I seperate work from my everyday life."He stopped infrond of me looking in my eyes."Britney,your amazing and awesome at your job and really funny and I like you alot.Let's make it official.Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"He asked.I was stunned.I didn't think he liked me that much.I leand foward and kissed him softly on his lips."Yes."I said whit a smile on my face.