Love Exists...?

Baby Shopping Just In Time

I got in Zola's car and went baby shopping.We went to 5th ave. to do all the shopping.First we went to Juicy Couture and got Gemma a purple velour tracksuit and a black baby tote for Zola.The ady said you can use one baby bag for twins but it has to be large.Next we went to Burberry and as an early baby shower present I got Sean and Gemma matching burberry rain coats.We went to Louis Vutton and got Gemma earrings and Sean a very cute belt that had a LV buckle and I got Nick a breifcase as an "I love you" present.After we finished shopping we went back to Zola's townhouse,wiped out from shopping."We have one more thing to do."Zola said.I groaned and got up."What?"I asked impatiently."Chill Beamer.We have to go online and order the stroler that i wanted for them."We went n bugaboo and ordered 2 bugaboo bees.1 in pink and 1 in blue.They connected together so it would be perfect.After we ordered it Zola yawned and went to her bed."I'm gonna take a nap.I'll see you-"she cut herself off by her own loud scream.She bent down and clutched her stomach."Oh my God!Whats happening?"I asked franticly."My water broke!"Zola yelled.I ran and got her keys and helped her to her car and I drove her to the hospital.I called Hayden first."Hey baby whats the problem?"Hayden asked.ew ."Uh,Its me,Britney um,Zola's in labor."he paused for a minute."Oh my God!I'll be there in a minute."I was panicing so I let the nurses take Zola to her room and I went searching for Nick.I was worried because Zola was two weeks early."Oh my God Nick!"he turned around suprised and ran over to me.He gave me a long kiss."Nick!Zola's going in labor and shes two weeks early.Is that a problem?"I rushed."Um.I have no idea."I grabbed his hand and we ran to her room and Hayden was there.Mom and dad were alredy in the wating room along with Hayden's parents.Zola was screaming and I passed out.Once I woke up I saw Zola cradeling her twins.Hayden had a big smile on his face and Nick looked at me.Uh-oh .He probally wanted childern now.I'll only agree to one and thats final.I'll have this talk later with him.For now I just smiled and hugged him.
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the discription of people chapter was modified!!!