Stairway To Heaven

Mouthing Off

++~Zacky's POV~++

Stuffing all of us into Dave’s Volvo was interesting. Dave drove and Natalie got to ride shot gun. Leaving Jimmy, Brian, Jason, and me to be squished in the back.

“How the hell do you expect us to all fit back here? There are 3 seats and 4 of us. It would be different if we weren’t 4 grown men.” Jason whined to the passenger seat in front.

Natalie laughed and turned around, “you see that’s were you’re wrong. You are not grown men, but grown boys. Well at least you are Jay.”

A chorus of ‘oooohs’ aroused from the car.

“Ha ha, really funny Nat, way to sink your fangs into my manly hood.”

“Hey if you two are going to go back and forth all day then get out of the damn car or, I'll break out the duct tape.” Dave warned us.

That shut them up. Apparently, Dave acts a lot like Matt does in our group. Both Dave and Matt are the leaders that have the final word and shouldn’t be fucked with.

“Hallelujah, where’re here” Brian clapped his hands when he spotted our project for most likely the week.

“Ok everyone this is what’s happing today, we have to scrape and paint the bottom layer of paint.” Natalie explained to all of us.

“Does that include painting each other.” Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

“sure” Natalie just shrugged. “Brian, Can you grab the scrapers, Jimmy and Zacky you guys grab the shop vac, and take out anything that would be hard to clean. Jason and I will help. That leaves Dave, um help us.”

We all agreed and Natalie unlocked the big, oak door. I peered around at my surroundings. The ceilings were peeling, and the walls were in desperate need to be repainted.

“I thought this was a newish house?” I asked to no one in particular.

“Well it depends on what you would consider new. I think it is about 40 years old. Everything works fine and it has a dry functional basement.” Natalie was on top of everything today.

We spent about 3 hours taking off all of the old paint. Well it wasn’t just taking it off. It was also us flinging pieces at each other and Jimmy pissing me off by rubbing a large amount of paint chips throughout my hair. That resulted in Brian and Dave grabbing him and me shoving an equally as large amount down his pants. I did get the result I wanted. Jimmy pleaded me to stop because he was getting splinters.

“Wow you guys are retarded,” Natalie shook her head at me.

“What it was, was sweet… vengeance.” I defended myself.

“Nice play on words,”

“Do I hear a hint of sarcasm in your words miss Natalie?”

“Maybe,” she laughed and got back to work.

Amii’s POV

“T 30 minutes till lift off.” I mimicked one of those announcer people when they do the count down till lift off. My comment went unnoticed; Ashley was bobbing her brown, pink, and turquoise head up and down. She was undoubtedly rocking out to some awesome tune on her Ipod. I rolled my eyes, grabbed a case of crappy, store-brand energy drinks off the self, and marked it with a sale sticker. Then an idea popped into my head. Since her music was blaring I could practically hear Puddle of Mud form 4 feet away. I crept up behind her and stickerd her with a sale sticker. I stuck it right on her butt. She jumped like 10 feet in the air and faced me.

“Nicely played Amelia, but you have underestimated my powers once again.”

“Bring it on grasshopper” I brandished my sticker gun in the air. She followed in suite, and the sticker battle began. We were having so much fun that we didn’t notice our advisor standing right there with a smirk on his face. He was obviously enjoying himself watching to girls roll around and attack each other with stickers. Then he snickered his annoying haughty laugh.

“Well, well, what a surprise to find Amelia Brea and Ashley Rowskey fooling around and not working. Hmm how unusual. If you couldn’t pick up my sarcasm yet, then please note that my words are dripping with it.” hearing the advisors give us his speech for probably the 100th time was starting to become sorta funny, like you know stupid funny. He had to be at the most 27 years old, but the funny thing is that he was lanky and acne infested. This rather made him appear to look 17 years old. I guess once a dweeb always a dweeb.

“You girls are on triple probation which means you really shouldn’t be fooling around because it could cost you your jobs.”

“Well boohoo, guess what, I could really give a fuck if I stayed at this dump of a shithole that you call a supermarket.” I was starting to let off some steam. True that will cost me my job but I really couldn’t give a shit anymore. “Oh Ya and you know what’s really sad?” I got all up in his face now, “The facts that you are an advisor of this place and this is the only place were you can push people around. Did you have a ruff childhood? If so I could tell you that mine was a hellhole, sent right form the devil himself. If…”

“You know what Amelia! I can’t take anymore shit from you, and if Miss Rowskey wants to keep her job, she better shut her freaking mouth.”

“Up yours dipshit” I huffed at him and shot him a rude gesture. I walked into the room with the ‘lockers’ and retrieved my stuff. I quickly texted Ashley that she could stay if she wants and I wasn’t going to be made if she does.

I stepped outside with my backpack and realized that I didn’t have a car. I rode to work with Ashley.

“God damn fucking mother fucker!” I screeched out of pure frustration. I shook my head to clear my head and started to walk the 15-block walk to my new house that everyone was at right now.

All I knew is that my life was not a fucking picnic.
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Shame on you Amii for useing such a dirty mouth 0.o