Stairway To Heaven

All Good Things Must Come To An End

My heart was thumping a million miles a minute. I turned to look at Jake, he was trying to act cool, but you could just tell that he was a scared as I was.

“That's all,” Jake replied.

“Bullshit, it’s either money or the girl.” The man sneered and gave me a wink. A shutter ran up and down my spine.
I gave a pleading look to Jake, please don’t let him take me!
Another man popped out from inside of a building and he to was holding a gun. The two men looked at each other and nodded.

The first man was being very impatient, and grabbed hold of one of my skinny wrists.

“Let her go!” Jake yelled and lunged at him. The other man fired his gun and hit Jake write in the shoulder.

“Fucking a.” Jake groaned.
I tried to wrestle out of the man’s grasp to help Jake, but it was pointless. The man was too strong for me.

“Stay still little missy or my friend here will finish your little friend off.”

“Help, someone help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

One of the men put a gun to the wounded Jake’s head, “Say one more word or, well you know.” He grinded the gun harder into Jake’s head.

I shut my mouth and closed my eyes to see if what was happening was really happening. I reopened my eyes and nothing changed.
Jake was still on the ground moaning and bleeding. The two men with guns were still there and I was still here, hostage.
The men began to take me into the building that one of them come out of.

“Help, Jake, someone!!” I screamed my final call for help.

“Shut up you little bitch” the men threw me to the ground. One of them held me as the other one undressed me. I tried to get away but it was no use.
They both took turns raping me and abusing me.
I was on the floor sobbing and calling out to someone but no one came. No one cared. I could be dying and no one would have come.

After they were finished with me, I heard them whisper to each other. I away from my two abusers and into a corner. Places were I could cry in peace.

“Ok you, do you have any last words?” a gruff voice entered my ears.
I looked up to see straight down the barrel of a gun.

“Please, please don’t let Jake die, call an ambulance and let him live.” I pleaded figuring that there was no hope for me. I actually did feel like dieing, were no one would ever fine me. I will die alone.

Then I felt an unbearable pain my head and all the noises around me got quieter, and my vision blurred. My colorful world spiraled downward into a dark abyss. Soon to claim the stairway to heaven.

Natalie’s POV

“Has anyone seen or heard from Jake or Amii?” I asked Jason and Dave.

They both shook their heads.

I wondered for a moment, thinking where those two could have been. Amii would have told me if she was going to be gone for this long.
I decided to call her cell. It rang and rang. No one picked up.
I furrowed my eyebrows and tried her cell again. Again, no one.

Ok, why was nobody picking up. Was she in trouble, did something horrid happen. No, no nothing bad happened; I was just being over protective of her. Sometimes I just feel like her Goddamn mother. Well in a way, I was since she died when I met Amii, but that’s not the point…

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my ring tone go off. I quickly answered it without looking at the I.D.

Assuming that it was Amii returning me call, “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been so fucking worried.”

Someone cleared his or her throat on the other line, “I’m sorry to inform you that a friend of yours has been sent to the hospital this morning.”
My face turned white and I hung up the phone without even thinking.

“What’s wrong?” Dave’s voice entered my ears.

“We-e got to-o go,” was all I could muster to say.

I grabbed my keys and ran to the rental car. Jason and Jake were not far behind me. I turned the car on and drove like a mad woman to the hospital.

I dashed to the front desk breathing hard, “I’m here to see Jake Ferdinand”

The nurse typed at her desk for a couple seconds and looked up at me, “He is in room 34b, you may go see him now.”

I thanked the nurse and dragged Jason and Dave to Jake’s room. I peaked my head around the corner and saw Jake on the hospital bed with a bag of blood hanging by his bead attached to his arm.

“Hey Jake,” I said quietly and allowed the other two to come into the room with me.

He turned his head when he heard my voice. He smiled weakly at us, “hey” he said in a raspy voice.

“Oh Jake what happened, “I gushed as I came over to his bed and sat on the edge.

“Me and Amii… we were walking around Boson… and we got kinda lost.” He took a second to regain his breath because he was not in good condition. “We were in an ally… two guys came out of a building… they both had guns. They took Amii… and shot me… when I tried to save her. The got me in the arm… I don’t know what happened to Amii. I was watchin’ T.V… and the news was talkin’ ‘bout what happened… go see what’s happening… for me.”

I starred down at him. I know that Jake isn’t lying, but for some reason I couldn’t believe a single word he said.

“We will go find out man,” Jason answered as we left the room. We found out were the crime took place ad started to head over there. We arrived and got out of the car, but a police officer told us we could not go any father.

“What do you mean we can’t go any father? We have a right to know what happened here. Two of our family members were evolved.” I was screaming hysterically, and I know that Amii and Jason were not family members but they really could have been.

“I’m sorry miss but I can’t allow you any farther.”

Before I could object, Dave put his hand over my mouth, “Can you tell us what happened?”

“Sure, according to the victim, there were two men, they tried to mug him but there was nothing to take. Therefore, the men took his girlfriend, and shot him in the shoulder. What we found after was rather disturbing. We searched the area for clues on where she was taken. We found her in the building right here.” The officer tapped the building next to us. “We found here nude, and there was a bullet wound right above her left eye. We later found that her ‘insides’ (the officer didn’t say insides, he said something a little more graphic) were destroyed. Most likely because of rape. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but your family member is not with us. When we found her, she was already very critical. There was nothing that we could do to save her.”

We thanked the officer and went to the car. My eyes started to swell and I could feel hot tears stream down my face. Within seconds, I was full blown sobbing. I could her sniffles come from the guys in the back. Dave offered to drive us to the hospital and tell Jake for us.

We explained everything to Jake and he too had tears trickling down his face. He told us we should call Zacky and tell him. Well I guess we shouldn’t call Zacky, we should probably tell Matt or Jimmy. Then they could tell him. I think it would be easier that way.

I dialed Matt’s number; he picked up on the 2nd ring.

“Hey Nat, what’s up?”

“Umm, Matt something terrible has happened.”

“Oh no, what happened,”

“Well it’s kind of a long story…”

I told him all about what happened, and he promised to tell the rest of the guys. He said that they would be in Seattle for the funeral.

I hung up and I could feel hot tears run down my face once again.

I am going to miss Amii, I’m going to miss her a ton. She waslike a sister was a sister. But in a way it’s nice to know that she is now in a better place. She did what she sent out to do. She wanted to someday climb the stairway to heaven. She didn’t mean it as literal as life took it. But fate told her that her time was done with us. We will all die someday, young or old.

We will eventually all climb the stairway to heaven.
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Well did you like it? I'm going to continue to write and add chapters to Heart-Shaped Glasses. Commet, message, or whatever =D I love feedback.