I'd Do Anything...for You

I'll Meet You There

Part one.
Sarah's Point Of View

I woke up with Im Just a Kid ringing from my cell phone.

"Who ever you are, you better have a good reason to be waking me up." I mumbled.

"I knew you would be sleeping!" Crystal said from the other line

"Its ten o clock in friggin morning, what do you expect?"

"Well, considering that we're going to Boston and we have to beat the traffic is a good reason."

"Oh yeah. I completely forgot we were going to Boston today." I said getting up and stretching.

"Well, hurry up. Were meeting Danielle and Jessica at Fanuel Hall and eating. And please tell me you didn't get too wasted last night to remember where we're going tonight."

"Don't kill me. Sorry I don't." she sighed

"Oh my god. Simple Plan."


"Wow. And you say I have a bad memory."

"Shut up. Where are you?"

"Walking down the street to Dunkin' Donuts. Why?"

"Stay there, I'm gonna get ready and I'll meet you there."

I took a quick shower. Did my make up. Purple eyeliner and purple eye shadow. And I wore my purple and black shirt, jeans and my Converse. When I got to Dunkin Donuts, Crystal was there eating a muffin and hot chocolate. I ordered a plain bagel and a strawberry coolatta.

"Ew cheese." was the first thing she said to me.

"Good morning to you too.

"So, what are the plans for today?"

"How should I know? I just woke up?" I put my head on the table.

"Err. How am I supposed to know what we're doing if you're asleep!!!"

"Fine!. umm.. I think. Shopping with Jess and Danielle, then Mickey D's then home? Yeah. Home."

"Thank you. Jeeze. You need sugar."

"I know."

We left Dunkin Donuts and walked back to the apartment. We got into my car and cranked up the music and Papa Roach was playing. By the time we got to Boston I was really loaded up with sugar. I was screaming Between Angels and Insects. When we got there, I jumped out of the car and tackled Jessica and Danielle. From there, we went to little shops where I got a fitted Boston Red Sox hat and a weird looking yoyo. When it was around 2:00 we decided to have lunch. I got chicken mcnuggets and fries with a mountain Dew. I would tell you what the others got, but I don't really pay attention to what other people eat. We went to the second story of the fast food restaurant and sat near the window.

"You guys are so lucky your going to the concert tonight." Jess said.

"Yeah, what are you guys going to wear?" Danielle asked.

"I have no idea." Crystal and I said at the same time.

"OH MY GOD! We have like one brain!!"

"If only you had a brain Sarah."

"I hate you Crystal." and I threw a fry at her.

She then threw a fry but it hit Danielle. That just started a food fight-no wait a fry fight!-at our table. It continued until the manager came out and told us to stop and blah blah blah.

"I don't know what I'm wearing, but I do know that I'm wearing my pimp ass Sox hat. fo sho." I said trying to be gangster when we finally calmed down.

"What am I going to do with you?" Crystal asked shaking her head.

"Absolutely, positively NOTHING."

"Ha. You're right."

On our way out me and crystal were acting like total morons when I saw this guy staring at us. But it wasn't like a 'shes insane look' it was a different look. I stopped walking and just stood there like a statue, knowing who it was . Even when Crystal tackled me I wouldn't-or couldn't- move.

"Danielle, Jessica, we'll see you guys later." I told Jess and Danielle.

"Okay. See ya." They said.

"Why are we staying?" Crystal asked with a look of confusion on her face.


I turned back to the guy but he was now looking down at his burger.

"Hey, you're Pierre Bouvier."


"I'm Sarah and this is Crystal." She was just standing there in complete shock.

"Oh cool. These are the guys. You most likely know who they are."

"Well. No duh." I elbowed Crystal, making her come out of her little trance.

"Ow! Sorry. Hi!"

We all started talking. Crystal was talking to David. And i was talking to Seb about tattoos. I showed him my SP tattoo and he showed me his. After a while I got the nerves to talk to the one and only... Pierre Bouvier.

"hey." I said walking over to him.

"hey whats up?"

"I was just wondering why you were staring at me like the whole time."

"I don't know it was just fun watching you guys."

"oh. yeah. Okay." I said disbelievingly but he didn't pick up on it

"Okay, this may be extremely rude and you might slap me for it. But did you know that your really hott?"

"Yeah. Ive been told that plenty times. But usually from old, creepy hobos on the street."

"That's creepy."

"Now try being there for it."

"Well. Do you know what it feels like trying to get raped by little teenies?"

"I would rather get raped from a teenie that have a hobo attack me."

"You get attacked by hobos?" Crystal came over at the wrong part of the conversation.


"Ew creepy."

"Can we get off the subject of hobos and them attacking me?"

"Sure. We got to go soon. So umm yeah. Bye" and then she went back to talk with David...figures.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asked after Crystal left.

"Sure." We exchange phone numbers and AIM screen names too.

"My screen name is PansyxPyro Grl."

"Youre a pyro?"

"Yeah. I only set big fires when I'm bored. other than that, they are little fires."

"Uh okay... My screen name is VeryGoodInBed9 (A/N: I made that up)" I just had to laugh at that.

"What time is it?" I asked totally unaware of the time. He looked at his watch.

"Around four o' clock. Why?"

"Oh shit! We have to go. We're going to be late!"

"Oh well I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah that would be great. Bye Pierre."


I grabbed Crystal away from David and we went home.

"Sarah, you have no idea how much I love you right now."

"Why? We would have met them anyway."

"Yeah, but now it wont be as awkwardly silent."

"Your right. I'm going to get ready. You should do the same."

I washed my face, because taking another shower is a complete waste of time and I already showered this morning. I Put on black eyeliner, black eye shadow. Then I put on my eyebrow ring since I didn't do that this morning. For clothes, I wore: black jeans, a studded belt, a white tank top, and a black tank top over it. I put on my Gir sweatband and my All Stars and was ready to go. When I got to the living room Crystol was there. She was wearing A white beater, black jeans and her chucks. Her make up was basically the same as mine and she was wearing her orange All Stars.

On The Way To The Concert

"Keep your cell phone on you and on vibrate in case we can't find each other."

"Yes mother." Crystal said annoyed.

"Well RAWR."

"You're so paranoid."

"I know.."

I turned up the radio to the point that you can't hear yourself think.
We then started screaming a long with Pierre. "I heard your doing okay but I want you to know..."


Before the show, and after we got through security, we were in front of their dressing room.

"SURPRISE!!" we both shouted while walking in to the room.

"STALKERS!!" Jeff shouted while laughing.

"No. not at all. We had these backstage passes before we met you guys." I said.

"So HA." Crystal said.

Crystal went to talked to the other guys and I went and sat next to Pierre.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just today is really strange."

"You got that right. I never thought I would actually meet you guys out in town only at a show."

"Yeah, than seeing each other twice in one day is really weird."

"Hey Pierre, we got sound check." Seb came to us and said.

"Do you and Crystal want to watch?" Pierre asked me.


The sound check was awesome.
They played I'm just a kid and Grow up. and might I add they played it those two songs pretty damn good too.

Simple Plan played one hell of a show. The whole crowd was jumping and having an awesome time. But the guys were having way more fun.
The first song they played was I'm Just a Kid and then other songs from the CD. I could have sworn on my own soul that when they played Addicted Pierre kept looking at me. Which made me spaz. a whole lot. There is just something about him that makes me feel all fidgety and not able to stop moving.

When the concert was finished, Crystal and I were way too tired to stick around.
We said good-bye to the guys one last time and went home and to bed.
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edited - 6/29/09