I'd Do Anything...for You

I Won't Be There

Part 12
January 7, 2004
Sarah's Point of View

"Sarah! Wake up! The guys are leaving in a while!" Crystol called from downstairs. Yep, we're rooming at her house while the guys are on tour. One, so we're not alone and crystol can help me out when I'm huge and can't do everything because I'll have a bubble for a stomach. (>.<) And two, since we moved out of the apartment to get a house to live in and have enough room for the baby and stuff. I groaned and got up. I ran downstairs I'm only a month pregnant so it wasnt that difficult. When I got downstairs I ran right into Pierre's arms.

"Good morning." he said kissing me, me kissing back of course.
"I wouldnt say 'good' but eh, whatever." I said "Can I go see the bus?!" I asked after a moment, so my ADHD kicking in. Pierre took my hand and we walked into the bus and it looked like any other tour bus would. We sat in the back lounge thing we kissed and it went like that for like 15 minutes.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Me too babe."
"I love you."
"I love you too and baby Bouvier!" he said as he rubbed my stomach that barely had a bump...yet. We came out of the bus where everyone else is.

"Bye guys!" I said as I went around and hugged all of them.
"Bye Shorty!" David said while giving me a tight hug.
"Bye Davey! But if it's okay with you, can I, maybe, breathe?"
"Oh yeah, sure." He said letting go.

And then I went over to Pierre, tears were in both of our eyes. This was going to be a challenge for us. But if we got through this we'd know if we were meant to be or not. We hugged and kissed. After, he wiped the tears that were now falling down my face away.

"I'll call you everyday and then some." He said, Our foreheads pressed together, looking into each other's eye. "I love you,"

"I love you too." I said kissing him one last time. And with that Pierre got onto the bus with the boys and took off. I just stood there and cried. Crystol was trying to comfort me but was also crying herself, so it was difficult. After a while I stood up from the pavement.

"Where are you going?" Crystol asked.

"I dont know." I said going inside the house. I decided to bake some cookies, try to get my mind off of things.

Crystol's Point Of View

Sarah has a good idea. I should do something to get my mind off of David for a while... I think I'll go to the skate park. I went up to my room and changed into baggies jeans and found David's 'slut' shirt, or at least one of them and decided to wear that. And then set off towards the skate park.

Pierre's Point Of View

We've only been on the road for 20 minutes and I'm already missing Sarah. Jeez, I can't wait until our kid is born. That'll give me a chance to go back to Sarah and be a family. I'm still shocked that I, Pierre Bouvier am going to be a father! Getting fed up I called Sarah.

"hello?" She answered.
"Hey baby,"
"Oh hey sweets, what's up?"
"Nothing, I miss you."
"I miss you too. But hey, I got to go okay? I'm making cookies and I dont want to burn down a house that isnt mine." she chuckled sadly.
"Okay. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay, I love you."
"Love you too. Bye."
"Bye" We hung up and I stared at the picture I got for Christmas until I drifted to sleep.