I'd Do Anything...for You

Hello, I miss you quite terribly

Part 14
June 2004; 6 months pregnant
Sarah's Point of View

Hey, this is Pierre, I cant get to the phone right now, I'm probably rockin' my ass out on stage at the moment, so leave the name...and the message too I guess. And maybe if I feel like it, I'll get back to you. Love ya Sah!beep

"Hey babe just called to see how you're doing. It's been weeks since I talked to you. I miss you. So yeah, call me when you can. Love you, bye." I sighed, closing my cell phone and putting it in my pocket. Crystol and I were watching Grease, on another boring day, once again. Pierre and I haven’t really kept in contact as much as we planned to when they left. First he was calling me everyday, then every week. But now it's only a couple of times a month. The good news is they are coming back for two days! I'm so excited. My pocket began to vibrate, informing me that I have a phone call, a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey baby." You cannot be serious. It was Jason. He's called me basically every other day from different numbers since I saw him. Changing my phone number hasn’t even worked, he still finds it out!

"Don't fucking call me that, I told you, I'm not yours and I'm not going to be. Get over it, and leave me alone." I slammed the phone shut and yelled in frustration.

"That was him? Again?!" Crystol asked in anger. Yeah she didn’t like him back than and she still doesn’t. I just nodded.

"Give me your phone." I handed it to her and she stormed out of the room.

Crystol's Point of View

You have to be kidding me. This guy seriously needs help. First, he tries to rape Sarah, now he's stalking her. Can you say CRAZY?! Yeah, I can too. I pressed re-dialed the last number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Yeah, Jackass, leave Sarah alone ya asshole!"

"Whoa, who the hell is this?"

"Someone that will kill you if you don’t leave Sarah alone."

"Is this Crystol?"
"It doesn’t matter who I am, leave Sarah alone. She's pregnant and doesn’t need this shit!"

"What?! She can't be! Who is the jackass who did this to her?!"

"Do you actually think I'm going to tell you that? She actually wanted to have a kid with and he didn’t rape like someone tried to!" and with that, I hung up and went back to the living room, sitting down next to Sarah and acting like nothing happened.

Sarah's Point of View

Crystol came back into the room and we kept watching them movie. After about an hour, my phone began to ring Seasons by Good Charlotte, but Crystol still had it.

"Crystol, its Pierre, give me my phone." I said and she handed it to me.

"Hey baby,"


"What's up?"

"Not much, just packing."

"When is your flight?"

"At 5:00 tonight."

"I thought you were going to come home tomorrow?"

"We did too but we couldn’t wait, so we're leave today."

"OH! YAY! I can't wait to see you!" I yelled.

"I know me too." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm going to go finish, I'll see you later."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, bye."


"AH!" I squealed.

"What?" She asked, grabbing her ear in pain, since I squealed right in it.

"Their coming home, tonight!"

"Nuh-fucking-uh." I nodded.

"AH!" she squealed. We freaked out for the next couple of minutes and then turned our attention to the movie where three of the T-Birds were flashing their asses to the camera during the dance between Danny and Cha-Cha.


We were now watching TV because our lives are that interesting and fun. When David came running through the door. Crystol ran to him but they ran into each other causing them to fall on the floor, we laughed at them of course.

"You idiots!" I laughed. Pierre came in and walked over to me.

"Hi baby!" he said and gave me a long passionate kiss.

"I miss you so much." I said while we hugged or cuddled or whatever you want to call it.

"I missed you too, you don’t even know." He then kissed my forehead and we let go. I said hi to all the guys and they sat around the room. I sat next to Pierre.

"Babe, you look beautiful." Pierre whispered in my ear.

"What are you talking about? I have a huge bubble for a stomach."

"Yeah, but that because your pregnant and you look beautiful for a six month prego."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." I said with sarcasm.

"Its true!" and then it all went silent.

"Sarah, have you found out the gender yet?" Chuck asked.

"It’s a boy." I said, rubbing my stomach.


"Hun, we going to go look at houses tomorrow?" I asked Pierre.

"I actually have a house in mind. And I want you to see it."

"But that’s tomorrow right?"


"Good cause I'm tired."

"Come on, let's go to bed." He said and we went upstairs to my room. And for the first night in months, I got a full night sleep next to Pierre.
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i've changed how the titles will be. it will be songs by anyone not just sp. if it isnt the name of the a song. it is something SP related. :]

title credit: Hellogoodbye;; Here In Your Arms