I'd Do Anything...for You

I Saw It On Your Keyboard

Part 15
June 2004; the next day.
Sarah's Point of View

"We're in. finally" I said as Pierre and I sat in our new home, all put away and clean.

"It's good, isn’t it?" he asked wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah. Honey, don’t you think we should pick out a name for the baby?" Pierre nodded in response.

"Are we sure it’s a boy?"


"What names are you thinking of?"

"From all the ones I've thought of I have: Michael Anthony and Andrew Ryan."

"Michael Anthony Bouvier. I like it."

"So that's his name?" I asked.

"If you like it, I like it." I smiled feeling accomplished.

When Pierre said look at houses. We really weren’t going to go looking for houses. It turns out that he took Crystol looking before we left, since she knows what I would like and bought this humble abode. Which I love by the way. It’s a cozy two story high navy blue house. There are four total bedrooms with connecting bathrooms. There are two bedrooms one for Pierre and I and the other one for the ba—I mean Michael. The other two are guest rooms. One will probably turn into a playroom when Michael gets older. The basement is a studio/practice area. The first floor consists of a pretty spacious living room and connecting kitchen with a bathroom. It's also four blocks away from two of our best friends, David and Crystol, which is a plus.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked, resting my head on Pierre's shoulder.

"Everyone is going out to dinner, like everyone, parents included."

"That’s nice." I said, my eyelids beginning to droop.

"Come on, let's go to bed Sleepy." he chuckled, saying my new found nickname he gave me one time we were on the phone. Since every time he asked me 'what's up?' I would answer 'nothing tired.'

And we went to bed.

in our house.
♠ ♠ ♠
title:I Saw It On Your Keyboard - HelloGoodbye.

i really have no reason i used that song. me and crystol were i.ming eachother trying to think of names. so yeah thats pretty much why.