I'd Do Anything...for You

My Feelings For You Are Forever

Part 16
June 2004; Sunday, June 13
Sarah's Point of View

"I didn’t know it was fancy." I stated as Crystol laid my outfit (that she decided to pick out for me) on the bed. This was a purple blouse and striped pants.

"Shut up and get ready." she smiled, walking out of the room, the clicking of her heels being heard.

I began getting ready, deciding a change, I curled my longer to my shoulder length hair and pulled the front back, clipping it. I outlined my eyes with a thin line of black and then outlining that with purple and purple eye shadow making my chocolate brown eye pop out. Now ready, I walked downstairs were Pierre, Crystol and David were waiting and we then set off to dinner.

As we all ate around the table the guys, their parents, Crystol, Patrick and I were conversing and having a fun time. Although Pierre was looking nervous though.

"You okay hun?" I asked putting my hand on his?

"Uhm, yeah. I'm fine." he said kissing me quickly on the lips. something is up, what is it?

When dessert arrived, Pierre was looking even more nervous and Crystol, Seb and Patrick looked all excited.


I was about to take a bite of my chocolate mousse when Pierre cleared his throat and gave a look to Seb, who gave the same look to Crystol who did the same to Pat.

what the eff?

Pierre stood up and I gave him a strange look.

"Sarah," He said going through his pocket and pulled something out. "I absolutely love you. There is no other girl that could replace you in my heart." He then knelt down on one knee. I looked over to see Patrick video taping and everyone smiling, my eyes widened. "I want to be with you forever. And for Michael. I want us to be a complete family and I was wondering.." He opened the small box that contained a beautiful diamond ring. "If you would be mine forever and marry me?" he look up at me with a hopeful smile. I looked around and saw that everyone in the restaurant was now watching. I blushed and nodded excitedly, tears of joy falling from my eyes.
"Yeah, I will." I said, he slipped the ring on my finger and kiss me. And as we kissed it felt as if no one were watching and we were the only people on earth at that moment.

This is the man I will love forever...
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit: Forever - Papa Roach

did you are did you not think that was the cutest thing that has happen in this story???
