I'd Do Anything...for You

A New Beginning

Part 17
June 2004; Tuesday, June 15
Sarah's Point of View

"I'll see you in a month." Pierre said giving me a hug and kissing my forehead. "And then we're off and I'm all your's." I smiled sadly.

"I'm still going to miss you." I said as a single tear fell from my eye.

"Dont cry. I'll be back before you know it. Dont stress over me. It isnt good for the baby."

Yes, the boys were going on tour, again Its only a month and its North America, a couple shows here and there. Then their comming home until they put out the next record. which they havent even started yet because their so god damn lazy. If it all goes the right way, they will be back before Michael is born.
The only difference about them tuouring is that Crystol is staying at my house this time.

One thing for sure: this is going to be one long fucking month.

one month later;
July 17th 2004
no ones point of view

"I fucking hate you!" Sarah yelled at Pierre during a contraction.

"I love you." was all that Pierre could think to say as he held Sarah's hand. She was squeezing it so hard, it felt like it were broken.

Simple Plan came home this morning. In fact, right when Pierre saw Sarah, her water broke. Its now around 6:25 and Sarah has been in labor for almost 15 hours. And every time she had a contraction, she thought of new profanites to yell at Pierre.

"All right Ms. DaSilva, in a little while, I believe you'll be ready to push that baby out!" The doctor said, smiling. Pierre sighed in relief.

"oh, so you think this is hard for you?! Honey, we can switch spots anytime, I'd be glad to. ugh you sicken me." Sarah said

"I'm sorry baby. I just can’t wait for our son to be born!" Pierre said to cover up the real reason that he might have broken bones in his hand.

"Yeah right. dickweed. This is your fault." Sarah said. She than screamed in pain as another contraction came.

"All right, you’re all dilated and ready to push. on the count of three?" The doctor said as pierre winced in pain, trying not to scream. "one, two three. push!"

outside the room

"I think she is delivering now." Crystol said hearing screaming.

"Wait do i hear Pierre screaming too?" Chuck said trying not to laugh.

"I think so." Seb smiled.

Thirty minutes later
Sarah’s Point of View

“He’s beautiful.” I whispered as my baby boy was handed to me in a blue blanket. “Hi Mikey, I’m you mommy and this is daddy.” I said nodding towards Pierre as Michael lay in my arms. Of course, Patrick was already in the room, videotaping. The nurse came over with the birth certificate.

“What’s his name?” she asked. I loked up at Pierre and smiled.

“Michael,” he said proudly. “Michael Anthony Bouvier.”

“Here’s your daddy.” I said kissing his forehead and carefully passed him to Pierre.

“This is the amazing Sarah DaSilva, soon to be Mrs. Pierre Bouvier, say hi Sarah.” Pat said stick the camera in my face. I waved. “Sarah, you just went through 15 hours of laboy, What are you going to do now?” Patrick asked as if I just won the superbowl.

“Stick that camera up your ass if you don’t get it out of my face. And let me sleep.” I said sweetly to the camera. “Give me my son.” I said to Jeff who was now holding him.

“So, Pierre was that you I heard screaming with Sarah?” Chuck asked. Pierre just held up his right hand, showing that it was swollen four times bigger than it should be. Everyone just nodded in understanding and showed painful expressions.

“It was hard but kind of funny at the same time.” Pierre chuckled. “First I was screaming in pain and then trying to coach Sarah at the same time. You had to be there.” The nurse came into the room.

“Its time for Michael to go into the baby room.” She said as I gave her the now sleeping baby. She then saw Pierre’s hand and smiled sympathetically and laughed. “You sure don’t want to get her mad do you? Come, will check that hand out, I think you might have a broken bone.”

“Or five.” Pierre added following her out of the room. “I’ll be back.” He announced to everyone.

“I’m sorry!” I called back, chuckling a little.

“So Sarah, your going to baptize Michael, right?” Crystol asked sitting in the seat Pierre was previously.

“Uhm, duh. My family would absolutely kill me if I didn’t.”

“Who are the god parents?”

“Well of course you’re the Madrinha. Pierre and I had a long talk and decided Seb would be the Padrinho.

“When is going to be?” Seb asked now looking interested.

“Soon. I just want to get it over with.”

“Your parents coming?”

Yeah and my brother.: It will be the first time I would see my brother since he went off to college eight years ago.

“That it?”

“I think my cousins are driving over from Toronto. And then we have Pierre’s parents, brothers and cousins, I think.” The nurse and Pierre came back.

“All right, lights our Ms. DaSilva. Visiting hours are over.” We all said our goodbyes and they left. Pierre stayed and climber into the bed with me.

“Hows the hand?” I asked looking into his tired eyes.

“Three broken bones. I never want to get hit by you, ever.”

“Awh baby, I’m sorry.” I said and than took his hand gently and kissed it. “Feel any better?”

“A little but right here hurts too.” He said pointing to his lips. I laughed and kissed him. “Goodnight beautiful. You did great today.” He said turning off the light.

“Love you.” I said laying my head on his chest.

“Love you too.” And we fell asleep.

It’s only the beginning….of the end
♠ ♠ ♠
title: A New Beginning - Good Charlotte
it doesnt have lyrics but i like the name of it :D

Madrinha: God Mother in portuguese
Padrinho: God Father in portuguese

the end was corny, but i found it necessary to put that in :]