I'd Do Anything...for You

And I miss you like you never knew

Part 18
July 2004; Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Sarah's Point of View

"Careful Sarah," Pierre said helping me out of the car.

"Pierre I'm fine. Perfectly fine." I said annoyed. The hospital kept me for an extra two days because I woke up with a fever the day after Michael was born. And they wanted to make sure I was fine. Which also means Michael hasn’t been able to come home until today either.

I then went to the back and unbuckled Michael's car seat and brought him inside where his aunt, uncles and grandparents were waiting, his family-my family. Blood related or not, I loved those people.

I walked into the house where there was a banner on the wall that said "Welcome Home Baby Bouvier!" I laughed, that’s what his nickname is going to be, and I feel kind of bad.

Pierre's parents and brothers were there, smiling. Pierre mom was crying tears of – well joy I hope. I then say my boys. Pat was video taping. David (not being able to sit still) was with Crystol, talking. Seb was smiling at me, proud. Jeff was eating and Chuck was talking to someone. I'd see them later or meet them or whatever. I went up to Mr. and Mrs. Bouvier.

"Are you ready to meet your grandson?" I asked, Mrs. Bouvier nodded, tears were in her eyes she was smiling, and so that is a good sign. I set Michael's carrier down and carefully picked my baby boy up, supporting his head. He's so small, and he's mine. He was looking around; there was so much for him to see.

"Your home Mikey." I said smiling. "And this is grandma and grandpa Bouvier." I said then looked up at them. "Or whatever you want him to call you. Grandma and grandpa in French or whatever you want." They nodded and I gently handed my son to her. And then turned to Pierre, He was watching his mother and son. He looked anxious and nervous. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, getting his attention. He looked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist but turned his gaze back to Michael and his mum. I could tell he was in deep thought.

"Baby, I'm sorry for being rude at the car." I whispered.

"It's okay." He was still looking at them.

"We’re going to be okay, I promise." He then looked at me.

"Why do you say that?"

"You're worrying. You're worried you can't do this, it's too much. If Michael doesn’t grow up and have a good future, it'll be your entire fault. You don’t want to mess up his life." He sighed

"Is it really that easy to read my mind? How'd you know?"

"I've spent every night for the past nine months thinking the same things." brought me into a tight hug.

"I'm scared, Sarah."

"You're not the only one baby. We'll do the best we can and pray our boy grows up and lives his dream happily. That’s all we can do." I whispered so only he could hear. He kissed my forehead.

"Sarah, I don’t know if you'll be happy or mad about this, but I think you should turn around." he said. I turned around and gasped.

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title credit: I Miss You - The Summer Obsession