I'd Do Anything...for You

run and hide? or face the truth?

Part 19
July 2004; Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Sarah's Point of View

"Derek!" I yelled and ran to my brother. And jumped, he caught me and brought me in for a big hug. This is my brother. I haven’t seen this guy in like, I don’t know, 10 years?!

Alright this is the story of my brother. Because I bet half of you didn’t even know I have a brother.

Derek is four years old than me, making him twenty-seven years old. Back when I lived with my parents and they you know, my brother would help me. He would make sure they wouldn’t go after me as often. But when he went off to college, it was hell. Cause now, no one could stop them. Then he moved to Texas after college. The last time I saw him was when he graduated from high school, the summer before he went to college. Of course, that was the summer before I went to high school, so I tried to be out of the house as much as possible.
But now he was here! Derek Joseph DaSilva was in my house!

"When did you get here?" I asked

"This morning around four. I went to visit mum and dad and we all drove up here when we heard the day you were coming home from the hospital." My smile faltered slightly, but I caught it before he went into a complete frown. Then I formed a fake one and turned to see Victoria and John DaSilva, in all there glory.

"Mum! Dad! So glad you could make it!" I said and gave each of them a hug and kiss.

"Hello Sarah." My mother said. "Where is my grandson?"

"Pierre's mom has him right now." I replied.

"Here, Sarah hunny. Victoria can see him. I can't hog up all the time with him." She laughed, I smiled and carried Michael over to my mother and she gently took him in her arms. I stood back and carefully watched. My old life and my new life were colliding and I didn’t know what to think of it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I immediately leaned into the chest behind me because I knew who it was.

"Hello Pierre." my father said.

"Hell sir. How are you?"

"Good, good. You're taking care of Sarah I hope?"

"Of course."

"So you're Pierre Bouvier," My brother began. I whined.

"Aw Derek! Don’t!" He only smirked.

"Well Pierre, I think it's good that we have a little chat."

"Don’t worry son, I've done so already." My father chuckled.

"I'm sure." Derek murmured unbelievingly. I think Pierre and I were the only ones to hear him.

"I'll be right back babe." Pierre whispered in my ear. He kissed my head and followed Derek in to the kitchen.

"Good luck!" I called after him.

I'm pretty sure he's going to need it.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit: What Do you Do? - Papa Roach

she has to face her parents. so i put that?
through out this story i've put real characters in my life.
like crystol and myself.
but my parents are NOT like that at all. and neither is my brother.
i did not use my parents real names but i did use my brother's.
but my brother does not act like that at all
in my mind, with this story, they all look completely different and act completely different.