I'd Do Anything...for You


Part 21
August 6th 2004.
Sarah’s Point of view.

New text message:
Send to: Pierre<3
My mother is driving me insane.

Text message received:
From: Pierre<3
Hold on for like 10 more minutes, we’re leaving the meeting now.

My parents decided they should stay in Canada to help me during my first 2 weeks of being a mother. And since Sebastien and Pierre forbid them from staying in the house, they stay during the day until dinner time, or if Pierre is at work, they stay until he gets home, and then they go back to their hotel. Their help isn’t needed, I already know their parenting techniques and if I ever needed help, I would obviously call the Bouvier's before I even think about them. But they insisted and I’m trying to be nice, since I should start acting like an adult. But pretty soon, shit is going to hit the fan. Fortunately, when Pierre is around, they (‘they’ as in mainly my mother) don’t nag me so much. By the time I finished reading Pierre’s reply, Michael had woken up from his nap and began to cry.

“Sarah, get off the phone and pay attention to your son.” My mother said as she looked up from the magazine she was reading. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“I’m not even on the phone mom, and he just started crying.” I climbed the stairs, went into my room where his crib is and picked him up, he immediately started to calm down into a soft whimper. “Shh. Mikey, its okay.” I whispered and then smelt something really bad. “Okay, someone needs to be changed.” I carried him in to his room and over to the changing table and changed his diaper. Just as I finished buttoning up his onesie, I heard the front door open and foot steps coming up the stairs.

“Sarah?” Pierre called quietly.

“In Michael’s room.” I said picking up my baby gently.

“Hey babe.” Pierre said, giving me a kiss. “Hey Mike.” And he kissed Michael’s forehead.

“Thank God you’re here. I thought I was going to end up being taken to a mental institution if someone didn’t make them go away soon. And I am in desperate need for a shower.”

“Didn’t your mom help you?” I rolled my eyes. I’ve been doing that a lot today.

“Yeah, by telling me I’m slacking, which by the way I wasn’t even close to. And by commenting that everything I was doing is wrong, all day. “

“One more week and they’re gone. Can you make it?” he asked, smiling kindly while taking the already asleep baby in his arms.

“Ugh, I guess.”

“Hey what if you went over Crystal’s tonight and I’ll take care of Mikey?” I looked at him as if he was the one that should be sent to a mental institution.

“Are you crazy?! I’m not leaving him after only a week and a half!” I went in to our room and he followed with the baby in his arms.

“I can take care of him. He’s my son too, you know.”

“Yeah, but I’m his mother, he needs me. Technically we’ve been inseparable for more than nine months. I’m not leaving him.”

“Excuse me for trying to help.” He said with an attitude.

“You know how you can help!? Just by being here! But you can’t even do that! You’re always out at meetings! Don’t help by getting rid of me, help by being here with me!”

“You’ve known from the beginning that I have a job that I need to put a lot of time into!”

“Oh please, a job?! You sit around all day and play music! That’s so hard! You guys haven’t even started writing for the new album, how many songs are currently in the making Pierre?! None! Sometimes... ugh, never mind” And I stormed into the bathroom, shaking my head and started the shower.

Pierre’s point of view

I quickly and quietly carried Michael to his crib and laid him down gently. Surprisingly, he fell asleep during all of that. I then took the baby monitor and went into the study. It’s just the computer and desk and book shelves filled with Sarah’s books. Crystal’s right, she really is a nerd. I signed on and checked the band and role model clothing’s myspaces and my email, and tried to calm down.
Did she really think my job is that pointless?
No she couldn’t, hell, that’s how we met.
All I wanted to do was help her, give her a little break. But just that one line she said kept running through my head.
“Just by being here…but you can’t even do that.”

What the fuck am I doing to my life?
What do I do now?
“go in there and show her you are here, you idiot.” my inner voice said.
Aren’t you being a little mean with this name calling?
“it isn’t name-calling if it’s exactly how you’re acting.”
Okay, I get it. Shut up.

After that internal argument was over, I slowly walked out of the study and into our bedroom. Okay, I’ll admit that I did hesitate before I walked in.

Lying on the bed was Sarah. She was asleep, not a surprise since she’s been mentally exhausted ever since her parents showed up. Tear streaks were beginning to dry on her cheeks. It broke my heart. She had cried herself to sleep because of me. I, the one that’s supposed to be there when she needs someone to cry to, had caused this.

I grabbed a tissue and gently wipped the tears away, wishing it was that easy. Just then, Michael started to wake up and began to move around and cry softly. I went over quickly and rubbed his back, causing him to stop moving and go back to his peaceful slumber.

I sighed and stripped down to my boxers. When I turned around, Sarah was sitting up and staring at me. I quickly looked away, not making eye contact. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch or something?” I asked quietly.

“You did a good job over there.” She mumbled and nodded at the crib. “But you need to cover him with his blanky or he’ll wake up again.” I covered him with his blanket and started to walk toward the bedroom door. “Where are you going?”

“To bed.”

“That’s over here.” She said pulling the bed sheets back on my side of the bed. That’s when I looked up for the first time since I realized she was awake and made eye contact with her.”

“I’m Sorry.” We both said at the same time.

“You’re job. You’re music is amazing and so important. I’m so proud of how far you and the guys have come.” She told me, crawling to the end of the bed and kneeling right in front of where I was standing.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much as I should and need to be.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. We stared into each other’s eyes for a minute. And then we kissed, it was one of those hesitant and filled with so much emotion kisses. It was perfect.

“Let’s go to sleep?” She whispered. I nodded in response. We lay down and she fell asleep in my arms. It was perfect.

It was so perfect I felt guilty about how perfect it felt. And it killed me.

You’re doing a fantastic fucking job at this family thing, Bouvier. I thought sarcastically before drifting off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
its short. stfu.
its been too long. i know
during the school year a lot of stuff happened.
i was in the hospital for a while. -___-
and then i spent the rest of the year trying to make sure all of that missing work didnt effect my grades that much.
and then i lost my creativity.
and imjust too lazy to deal with the typing and editing and stuff.