I'd Do Anything...for You

I'm Not Insane.

Part 22
August 8, 2004
Sarah’s point of view

“Mom! You need to stop! This isn’t your house. I’m already taking care of my son better than you ever did with me and Derek!” I yelled at my mother. I told you shit would hit the fan soon, in fact, its only been two days. I then received a slap across the face.

“That’s it.” I muttered, passing Mikey over to Mrs. Bouvier. I walked quickly over to my mom and stared her down. “I’ve had it with all of your bullshit. I’m a grown woman and your put downs and abuse are not going to effect me anymore. I've tried to move one, but there is just no way I can. You need to leave, right now and never come back. Not for your Michael’s christening, not for my wedding, not for anything. As far as I’m concerned you are no longer my mother and that tool over there isn’t my father. You disrespect me in my own house and try to beat me even though you quote-unquote changed. Apparently that accident didn't teach you anything about karma. Get out!” I yelled in her face. She looked at the ground, grabbed her purse and stomped out of the house, my father following right after her like the tool that he is.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Mrs. Bouvier.: I said to my future mother in law. A few tears slipped out from my eyes once they climbed into their rental car.

“I’m fine honey. But are you okay?” she asked, concerned, like a mother should be.

“I can start to feel the sting on my cheek. But honestly, I’m so relieved. I’ve been wanting to do that for years.”

“If you ever need any help, just ask, okay?” I nodded

“Since Michael’s asleep, I’m going to go rest for a while; is that alright?” I felt a migraine coming and I needed to rest, desperately so it wouldn't get any worse.

“Of course, go right ahead. I’ll take care of him until Pierre gets home.” I nodded and went into my room. I paced back and forth in front of my bed for a couple of minutes. That actually just happened. I thought and sighed, then climbed into bed and was fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was in my old room back in Malden, back in my parent’s house. Tears were streaming down my face and my make up was running down my cheeks. I was a mess.

“Why are you doing this?!” I found myself saying. No one was in the room but me and I was staring into my mirror. But then I heard the familiar stomping up the creaky old staircase. My body began shaking.

“What are you doing in here?! You’re supposed to be cleaning the kitchen!” It was her, the devil in disguise, Victoria DaSilva. She was wearing a red dress suit and had a bottle of vodka in her hand.

“I just finished, I’m doing my homework now.”

“Oh, what’s the point? You’re never going to amount to anything anyway. Work as hard as you can but you will always be nothing!” she said. I couldn’t say anything. It was physically impossible to do something. “What?! Now the smartass has nothing to saying?!” she threw the bottle at me. It missed but then hit the mirror, causing it to shatter. I felt a sharp pain my upper left back, near my shoulder. I fell to the ground, I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, but just passed out..

..”baby, what do you say?” I heard, drowsily. I was now in Jason’s room.

“Mm.” I said sleepily, unable to wake up completely and understand what was happening. He started kissing my neck and moving down. “What are you doing?”

“What, you know you want it.”

Pierre’s point of view

As I walked into the house, Victorie and John were no where to be seen, but my mother was in the nursery changing Michael’s diaper.

“Hey mom, what are you doing here?” I asked walking over to the changing table.

“Watching Michael, Sarah kicked her parents out earlier. I promised to take care of him while she rested; she’s in your room.”

“Thanks mom. I’ll go check on her.” I kissed her cheek and walked into our room. Sarah was sleeping, but tossing over, sweating and crying.

“Sarah? Baby?” I asked walked over her and rubbed her arm, trying to wake her up gently. But it didn’t work. She woke up, but wasn’t really there. Her eyes were unfocused and she looked terrified.

“Don’t touch me! Jason! Go away!” She wouldn’t let me touch her. She would just scream louder and cry more. I honestly have no idea what to do. I took out my phone and scrolled to Crystal – shit head

“Come on, hurry.” I muttered as the phone rang.

“Hello?” finally

“Crystal, Sarah’s crying uncontrollably, screaming about Jason. She wont let me touch her.”

“Fuck. I thought this shit stopped.” She mumbled to herself. “okay, Pierre, they convincing her its you, try talking about things between you two. Don’t touch her, don’t call her baby or sweet cakes, especially sweet cakes. And don’t yell. I’m getting in my car with David now.” Are these what Sarah calls her ‘flashbacks?’ What the fuck did this kid do? If I ever find him, I’ll kill him. I thought while walking back into the bedroom.

“Sarah? Shorty?” God, I never called her that, but I cant call her what I usually do at the moment. “It’s Pierre, not Jason. We are in Malden, sweety. We’re in Canada. This is where we live with our son Michael Anthony Bouvier. Jason isn’t here. Its just me, your fiancé. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I;m not going to hurt you or make you do anything you don’t want to.” She wasn’t sobbing anymore. Which I was thankful for, I hate seeing her cry.

“Don’t hurt me, please.”

“Honey, I’m not going to hurt you. I swear. Crystal is on her way. You’re going to be okay.” I then heard car doors shut, the front door open and feet running of the stairs. Crystal ran into the room and David was right behind her.

“Crystal.” Sarah greeted. I looked at Crystal and nodded as she quickly walked over to the bed and hugged her. Sarah looked as if she was holding on for dear life. David and I walked out of the bedroom to let them talk.

“Dude, what happened?” David asked, concerned.

“I don’t know, man. She looked like she was having a bad dream. So I tried waking her up gently. And then she started yelling at some guy named Jason and I think she thought I was him. Scary shit.” We walked downstairs to see my mother rocking a fussy Michael, trying to calm him down. “Here mom, lemme try” She gave him to me and I put his blanked up to his cheek and rocked him slowly while humming quietly. He calmed down fast and was already asleep within minutes.

“You’re really getting the hang of this, Pierre.” Mom said proudly.

“He loves his blanket. And even for that short period I was home while Sarah was pregnant and I would sing he would calm down and stop kicking her.

“Awh, look at daddy Bouvier.” David said and Crystal came walking down the stairs.

“Hey.” She said taking David’s hand in hers.

“Hey, how is she?”

“She’s taking a shower. Hold on.” She turned to my mom. “Mrs. Bouvier, do you think you could take Michael for the night? David and I will pick him up tomorrow.”

“Sure.” My mother answered happily. She now gets to spend some time with her grandson.

“Wait, Sarah is letting this happen?” I asked, confused. “Two days ago we got into a fight when I suggested something like that.”

“Well, two days ago Sarah wasn’t freaking out. From all the stress that’s happened, I talked her into it. You two need to spend time together and talk about things. Michel will spend the night your parents and David and I will pick him up tomorrow morning and spend the day with him. He needs to be able to stay with out people than his mother sometimes too. You don’t want him to be too clingy. Oh, and this is for you, so you can get his baby bag all set.” She handed me a list of baby necessities. I ran upstairs and packed it all, then got Mike ready for my mom. And they were gone within 20 minutes.

“Hey, Crys?” I asked after they left. She looked up from where she and David were cuddled on the couch. “Was that a flashback?” She nodded.

“Unfortunately; it started about dreaming of her old life in high school and then it turned into her and Jason. And when you tried to wake her up, she thought you were him.”


“Pierre, tonight is a chance for you to get all of your questions answered; don’t worry. She knows you love her. It wasn’t you that made her cry.” Damn, Crystal knows me and how I think way too much. Sarah then walked down the steps in a nice purple shirt and black skinny jeans.

“kay. Thanks Crystal, a lot.” I said hugging her. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I said while doing the man hug thing with David. They both hugged Sarah and left.

oh, man…
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit - Avenged Sevenfold.
its been too long. i know. but i just got inspired last night and wrote like a chapter and a half of this. be hapy im even writing.
when i found out rev died i was ready to stop all together.
i described how i felt to my councilor and she was like
"this is really like your grieving," even though i didnt know him in real life.
rest in peace james owen sullivan, i love you <3