I'd Do Anything...for You


Part 23
Still Pierre’s point of view

We stood in the living room, awkwardly staring at each other.

“Pie, are you mad at me?” she asked carefully.

“Of course not. Scared, hurt and worried. But not mad, not mad at all, baby.” She quickly walked over to me.

“We have a lot to talk about.” She said in my chest as we hugged.

“I know. Wanna go get something to eat?” She shook her head.

“How about we order some food and eat at home?”

“Okay. Pizza?”

“Sure.” She went to order the food. While I grabbed a blanket and lit some candles around the living room with Dookie playing from the stereo. We cuddled next to each other and started the long awaited conversation.

“Where should I start?” She asked.

“What happened with your parents today?”

“My mom decided to get back into her old abusive ways and slapped me. I told her everything I’ve wanted to tell her for the past 23 years and told them to get the fuck out. She wasn’t going to hurt me in my own house. Fuck that.”

“I’m sorry Sarah, but I don’t want those people near our son, ever.”

“I know babe, me either. I am officially done with them. So anyway, today, that was one of my infamous flashbacks.

“I dreamt of my mom abusing me back in high school. But before I get more into it, look at my upper left back.”

“Your Simple Plan tattoo? Why?”

“Look closer.” I scanned over the tattoo. I noticed a large bumpy scar hidden underneath the S and the P.

“Oh, babe.”

“Each tattoo covers a scar. That’s how I tried moving on. Covering the scars and listening to music.

“When I was asleep, I dreamt of how that scar happened. MY mom came home drunk from work and started yelling about no matter how much I tried; I would always be a failure. Then she threw the bottle of vodka at the mirror that was behind me. The glass shattered and hit my head and back. I passed out from it. And then I had another dream, from when Jason tried to rape me.”

“And when I tried waking you up…”

“I thought I was still back in Malden in Jason’s house.” The doorbell rang. The food was here. I got the pizza and Sarah set the table. And we were soon eating.

“Hey, babe.” I asked after eating in silence for a while.



“No, really, what?”

“Can you tell me about Jason? You never really told me about that whole thing.” She then explained that whole ordeal. “Have you seen him since?” I asked when she was done. She hung her head in silence. “Sarah,”

“I saw him at the mall once. And he called my phone a couple time while you were on tour and I was pregnant. That’s why I changed my number a lot.”

“Next time call me. And I’ll kill him. I’m not letting him hurt you again; and to make things worse, he’s basically stalking you. Fuck that, he’s dead.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i have another part already writttenn :D
it'll be up in the next couple of days. :)