I'd Do Anything...for You

Good Times In The Making

Part 24
November 20, 2004
Sarah’s point of view

That night was a turning point for me and Pierre’s relationship. Now I had nothing from my past to keep from him. He knows pretty much everything about me, inside and out. And I’m perfectly okay with that.

The rest of that night we talked more about things. He told me more about his childhood and how his life was before he met me. He had been in a serious relationship with this girl named Rachel. They were going to get married after high school because they knew each other for basically their whole lives. But she didn’t approve of his career choice. They broke up right before graduation and she moved to the states as soon as she could. Rachel didn’t tell Pierre what she was so heartbroken about and why. He didn’t understand why she was like that and left the country anyway, she was the one who wanted out of the relationship because Pierre “wasn’t practical with his future.”

It’s been a couple of months since then. And life hasn’t been as hectic as it was. Its been as “normal” as it could ever be. Pierre made a schedule, for four days a week he was at the studo. The other three were spent at him with Michael and I. The days would have been switched, four days at home, three in the studio, but they went into recording. This record was almost done and the boys were so excited.

They went into recording about a month and a half ago. They have about 2 months left for that. Then it’s out of their hands and into the label’s. They couldn’t be any happier with the way the album is turning out. They’re really confident about it and can’t wait to show the fans. But today isn’t about the album, or Simple Plan. It’s about Michael.

Today is Michael’s baptism. The service went extremely well. As planned, Crystal and Seb are his godparents and my parents did not attend. Almost everyone from Pierre’s family came and some of my aunts and uncles drove up from the Massachusetts, and obviously Derek was there. Michael slept through most of the service, but woke up and cried when the oils was poured on his head. Pierre is currently with his brothers as I walked around showing my happy four month baby boy to everyone who wanted to see him.

He has grown so much in the passed four months. He has a full head of brown hair and he’s a chubber. A four month old who looks like he’s eight months. He hardly ever cries and sleeps all through the night. He was a good baby.

“Sarah, lemme see my godson!” Crystal yelled over the music as she walked over to me.

“Be careful!” I warned. I hadn’t taken him to a part yet, so I don’t know if he’ll be okay.

“Calm down, Mrs. Overprotective. I got this.” She said giving me that look that said “You’re being the over protective, over controlling mother and you should stop before I punch you in the face” look.

“Yes ma’am.” I laughed and kissed Michael’s forehead, then walked over to David and Seb who were sitting at our table.

“Sarah!” David yelled, pulling me into his lap.

“Davey!” I giggled. “Your girlfriend stole my son away from me.” I pouted playfully.

“She actually got him away from you!? YES!” Seb said and ran over to them. We laughed at him. He was wicked excited about being Mikey’s godfather.

“So, David, how’s life?”

“It’s been good. Busy with the record and all. But good.”

“That’s good. How are things with Crissy-poo?”

He immediately smiled and his eyes darted to where Crystal and Seb stood with Michael. “Awesome. She makes me really happy. She understands my weirdness. It’s awesome. When I come home from a day at the studio, and she’s watching a movie, waiting for me to come home so she doesn’t go to bed by herself. It makes me feel lucky to have someone who cares that much. And to have someone that’s waiting for me to come home every night.”

“AWH! DAVEY! That’s adorable!” he laughed.

“I really wish you guys could come on tour with us.”

”Me too. I hate when you guys go away for so long. But I don’t want to bring Michael into that hectic life style yet. Crystal can go though.”

“You know for a fact she won’t leave you behind.” David scoffed.

“Yeah, she’s stubborn like that.”

“Who’s stubborn? Shit head? Pierre asked walking over and sitting next to David and pulling me over into his lap.

“Yeah, she won’t go on tour with you guys because she thinks she needs to stay with me and Michael”

“Oh please!” He laughed. “You know you would do the same thing if you were her. You wouldn’t leave your best friend behind.”

“Yeah…Stop being right!” I said and lightly slapped his head playfully.

“Hey why are you all sitting?!” Chuck asked, walking over to us. “Let’s dance!” He then pulled me off of Pie’s lap and onto the dance floor with everyone following.

We danced almost all night. Pierre or I sometimes had to stop to check on Michael. After being passed around between our families, he got really cranky. I fed him while Pierre got his stroller. After, Pierre rocked him in his strolled and san to him until he fell asleep. Then he was out for the rest of the night. Not once did he wake up because of the music or yelling. He’s a champ.

I had so much fun with my family and Pierre’s. His uncle’s were crazy and hilarious, dancing to songs in funny ways the drunker they got. David was, once again, running around like an idiot all night. He’s a strange one. He slow dancing during fast songs and got his freak on during fast ones. He worries me sometimes.

But its okay because he’s basically my brother, all of them were. <3
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i apologize if you arent religious.
but the responsibilities that a godparent has and how close they are to their god child are going to be used later. and well im religious and im going to baptize my children. and its my story. :P