I'd Do Anything...for You


Part 3
Sarah's Point of View

Well its the second day we've been in Canada. All of us were in the studio. Me and Crystol were sittin g on the couch waiting for the guys to finish for the day and Chuck went into record the last part of the day. To tell you the truth, this is really boring. maybe its my A.D.D or it just really is boring. I was drawing designs on my pant leg with my finger when I felt someone kiss me quickly. It was Pierre of course.

"Hey, I knew that would get your attention." I smiled. "We were thinking of going to a club after this? you want to go or go back home?"

"I'll go." I said quietly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I dont know why I get so shy around him. He just does this thing to me and I dont know. But I like it. Maybe, this is what love feels like?

At The Club

We were at this club that was a block or two away from the studio and we were all pretty trashed except Chuck cause he was the designated driver. Pierre and I were dancing and were all over eachother most of the night. Which was all good with me. I liked it of course. We were dancing when I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Pierre, I dont feel good. I'm going to go to the bathroom." I slurred.

"Okay, I'll be here."

I ran to the bathroom stumbling while doing so. and did my business which was pretty dang nasty. When I was done I check myself in the mirror, stuck a peice of gum in my mouth and went back outside.

Pierre's Point Of View

I was leaning against the bar waiting for Sarah to come back out of the bathroom, I was minding my own business when this blonde girl came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Stacy, whats your name?" she asked.

"I'm Pierre and I think you should go find someone else because I got a girlfriend."

"You dont need--" She was interrupted by Sarah who had come up and slapped her across the face.

"Bitch! paws off my boyfriend!" She decked her right in the face again. Crystol came to and started beating the shit out of her aswell. While this was happening some guy came up to me and got in my face.

"What the hell were you thinking to go and hit on my girl?!" he said anger in his voice.

"Man, chull, your girl came onto me." I said than he punched me I could get only one good swing at his jaw before i blacked out.

Chuck's Point Of View

Pierre just got punch pretty hard and I think he's uncontious. Jeff and I pulled the dick head off of him while Seb, David and Pat were getting Sarah and Crystol off of that girl. and we left before the cops were called.I got into the driver's seat and began to drive home. When we got there Jeff and I carried the girls and the guys inside. I then went into a deep sleep.

Sarah's Point Of View

"I HATE FU CKING HANGOVERS!" I woke up to David screaming.


"BUT I CANT!" He whined. That got me up so I went and got him tylenol, water and a red bull."Thanks." He said quietly when I handed the pill and drink to him.

"No problem."

I then got the same for myself and watched cartoons with David. Everyone else woke up one by one and grabbed tylenol and either coffee or a red bull. I like red bull, coffee is icky. When Pierre woke up he had a black eye and a busted lip.

"Oh my God. Pierre what happened?" I asked, my eyes wide. He just shrugged.

"That chick's boyfriend came and knocked pierre out." Chuck said

"What happed to her anyways? All I remember was her trying to get all over Pierre."

"You and Crystol beat the shit out of her."

"Nice." I gave Crystol a high five and got Pierre some ice and Tylenol.

FF to October 1st. Its 3 days before you go back home.

Everyone went out somewhere leaving Pierre and I at his apartment. Watching Sid and Nancy. I sat in Pierre's arms and we were quiet. When he spoke up out of no where.

"Sarah, will you..."