I'd Do Anything...for You


Part Six
Sarah's Point Of View

Crystol and I boarded the plane a couple hours ago. The was about to land do I gathered all of my belongings together. Minutes later we were running into the arms of our boyfriends.

"Hi baby, I miss you so much!" I said to Pierre before we kissed which was longer than planned.
"I'm pretty sure that I missed you more. But before we get into this huge argument about who missed who the most we have to go get your stuff and then go to our apartment. I hope you know that I'm never going to get over that." I laughed. It does sound awesome.

After we pulled David and Crystol apart, which was difficult. We went to baggage claim and got our bags. And went to Pierre's car. Pierre was driving and I was in the passenger seat next to him. Crystol and David were in the back getting 're-aquainted' in other words: swapping spit.

"So how your family?" Pierre asked starting a conversation.
"Their good. My parents say hi."
"I'm happy to know that your parents like me."
"I'm just glad they actually care."

We listened to the radio until we got to our apartment. It makes me feel all warm inside just saying that. All of the guys were already there. The boys went to play video games and Crystol and I were in the kitchen. David came in to get a drink and just you know, notices me after about what? an ohour or maybe two of being here.

"Oh, hey Shorty! Long time no see!" he said giving me a hug.
"Hi davey! you just noticed I was here?!"
"umm...yeah. I just missed Crystol like crazy and got caught up in the moment, and then you know my attention span is like not even existant."
"It's okay." and he left back into the livingroom.

"He worries me sometimes." i said to Crystol once he was gone.
"Eh. I still love him."
"I'm going to go annoy the boys. Care to join?"
"I'd be delighted."

We went into the livingroon and Jeff was kicking Chuck's ass at some racing game. Pierre, David and Seb were on the couch joking around while Patrick was taping it, as usual. I ran and jumped right onto Pierre's lap and I guess I scared him since he like jumped.

"Awh. hun did I scare you?" I asked with a smirk.
"no...maybe....okay yeah you did. We then sat in silence until pat came and 'spilled' his glass of water all over me.
"Your gonna pay for that!" I yelled! I ran to the porch where I saw a supersoaker water gun earlier. I grabbed it and chased after Pat. We ended up outside and by the end we were both completely soaked.
"thats not cool..." he said looking at his soaked self.
"Well thats what you get."
"Fine. I'm sorry. a truce?" He opened his arms to give me a hug.
"Fine." I hugged him. "Come on let's get dried off." I lended Patrick some of Pierre's clothes. Then I went and dried off too. I then changed into my Mickey Mouse pajamas. Hey what can i say? I grew up with Disney! I went into the livingroom to find everyone sitting on the couches talking.

"Whats up mofo's?!" I asked jumping into Pierre's lap.
"Talking about our childhoods." jeff replied.
"But we change the subject if you want." Crystol said know that I dont want to talk about my crappy childhood.
"No, its okay. You guys talk. I'm tired, I'll just go to bed."
"Okay, night." I heard everyone said.
"Night babe." Pierre said kissing my forehead.
"Night. If you guys really want to know. Crys and Pierre know and they can tell you." i stood up and went to the bathroom, washed my face and did my business, than went to my room and put on my Simple Plan cd listening to it until I fell asleep.

Pierre's P.O.V

"When I was twelve my family moved to Malden because my dad got a job in Boston and it happened to be right down the street from Sarah's house. The street we lived on was really boring, Sarah was the only other teenager on it. The rest were just a bunch of old people with cats. Sarah and I got so close that summer before school started. When it did start, we were in the same class. When highschool was over, we both got accepted to Boston University, which as you should know is a top of the list college. How I got in it? dont ask. I might act stupid but I guess I am pretty smart if i got accepted dont you think? At the end, we still had no clue what we were going to do as a career but atleast we would have a college degree to fall on in case we needed it for a job. When college was over we got an apartment together and we were saving up to move to California like we have always dreamed of. We've been through a lot of sh it together the good, the bad, the ugly. Seriously, there have been some pretty ugly people and things. Sarah has made such a deep imprint on my life I dont know what I would do if I ever lost her as a friend. She has always been here for me and I have been here for her. I guess thats what makes us best friends." Crystol finished her story. we all know about each other and Crystol has known because well, the internet is a 'beautiful place' as she put it. I was hoping-no praying that no one would ask about Sarah's past. I really dont want to hear that sh it again.

"Whats up with Sarah? I mean, like what was so bad about her childhood?" Pat asked the question I was dreading. Crystol gave me a worried look.

"do you really want to know?" She asked and they all nodded. "Pierre, do you want to tell them, or should I?"
"You can tell them you know more than I do."

"When Sarah was younger she had a whole lot of chores to do, like all kids but she was literally the housekeeper. She had more chores than all of us put together. And if she would forget one or two, her parents would beat the sh it out of her. And in school, her parents pushed her so hard and Sarah isnt a complete genius, we all know that, she would try as hard as she could. But that wasnt good enough for her parents. After a while, the pressure got to Sarah and she started cutting herself. In our freshman year of highschool Sarah got c's and d's on her report card, the next day she came in with a black eye and bruises all over her arms and legs. I demanded het to tell me what was going on she broke down in tears and told me. She told me that it had been happening since she was 11, the whole time I've known her she was getting beaten. Oh jeeze did I feel like the crappiest friend someone could ever have. I saw her everyday and I didnt notice anything. When anyone else would ask her she would say that she walked into something or tripped and fell, being the clumsy person that she is, people believed it. Oh god, it makes me feel like a terrible friend just thinking about it. Sarah raised her grades for her own sake. and was prectically living over my house, or I was sleeping at her's. Her parents would only beat her when they were alone with her. By the time high school ended, Sarah was officially living over my house and her parents were alchoholics."

"how come she still hangs with her parents and family then?" Seb asked.
"During Crystol and Sarah's second year of collgege, Sarah's mother was in a drunk driving accident and her mother was the drunk person. That snapped her parents into reality and they went to rehab. Sarah has forgive them but she will never forget the torment they did to her when she was younger. She doesnt trust them at all. She still has nightmares about it." I answered.
"When did you find out about this?" Chuck asked me.
"i found out two months after the concert. She made me promise not tell anyone. That's why I havent told you guys."

They all nodded to show that they understood. We watched t.v for a while and everyone left around two in the morning. I got a soda to drink and just stared off into space thinking about the day's events until I finished it then went to bed. I stripped down to my boxers and got into me and Sarah's bed. I watched her sleep until my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.