I'd Do Anything...for You

Four Words: Very Good In Bed

Part Seven.
Sarah's Point Of View.
December 5th

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I looked at the clock and it read 10:00, I went downstairs to see pierre eating eggs and bacon. I went to the cabinet and grabbed my froot loops, a bowl, milk and orange juice. I eat cereal everyday for breakfast on since I am a vegetarian and hate eggs.

"Good morning." Pierre said getting up, giving me a kiss telling em that he was going to take a showe and then putting his dishes in the dishwasher and leaving to go to the bathroom.

I sat down and ate my cereal quietly still not really awake. When I was finished, I cleaned the kitchen and went to the livingroom and watched Fuse until Pierre came our of the shower. I went to our room and got a bra, underwearm black Tripp pants, a hot pink tank top and eeyore socks and layed them on the bed. Then I took a shower, and I did my hair in a pony tail and putting mousse in my hair so it would be curly and did my make up. I came ou of my room to see Pierre watching t.v still. I went and joined him.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked turning his attention away from the t.v to look at me.
"I was think of Christmas shopping."
"This would be the first time I've gone Christmas shopping at the last minute."
"There is a first for everything. So do you want to go?"
On our way to the mall we listened to Mest. When we got there, we went strait to Hot Topic. I got Crystol a Blink 182 shirt. I got Jeff some new guitar picks. Seb a Green Day shirt. David I got zebra print pajama pants and Chuck new drum sticks. Pierre wanted to stick to who title of waiting to procrastinate. On our way home we listened to Blink, it was silent for a while until I spoke up.

"Are you guys going to the studio tomorrow?"
"yeah, are you coming?" I shook my head no.
"crystol and I are going to hang out."
"oh. okay."
When we got home I wrapped everyone's gifts in our room. When I finished, I went to the livingroom and watched t.v. Every once and a while, Pierre would start staring at me and then looked back at the t.v. One time I stared back and he kissed me. One thing lead to another and well you know what? I'm not going to give the dirty details. I can leave you to your own little sick thoughts to imagine it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pat: How would you describe you in four words?
Pierre: Very good in bed.

i love these boys :]