I'd Do Anything...for You


Part 9
Two weeks later.
Sarah's Point of View

I woke up at around five o' clock in the morning and felt sick. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Pierre came in moments later, held my hair back and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked when I was finished.
"I dont really know for sure. I havent been feeling very good lately. I'm going to make an appointment for the doctors later today."
"Okay, come on let's get you some water and I'll make you some toast."
"Okay." We went downstairs and I had my water and toast while Pierre had cereal. When I was finished I took a shower and got ready for the doctor's.

At the Doctor's Office.

"Hello Ms. DaSilva, what seems to be the problem?" Dr. Jansen asked as she closed the door to the room.
"I havent been feeling well at all I was wondering if there was anything wrong?"
"Mhm. Have you had you period this month yet?" She asked as she wrote on her clipboard thing.
"I'm supposed to have it in a couple of days. Why?"
"There is the possibility that you are pregnant. Would you like to take the test?" I choked on my own spit. me, pregnant? Woahhh... I did the test and I had to wait what felt like a lifetime until Dr. Jansen came back into the room with a smile in her face.

"Well, Ms. DaSilva it looks like your going to be a mommy! Congratulations, you're pregnant!"
"Oh my gosh. Oh wow. Uhmm. Thank you." I said getting ready to stand up.
"Now there is nothing wrong with having a child." She said with a stern look.
"I know. Its just surprising" well duh... I walked out the door and to my car in a daze. Thinking, of course. I have a lot to think about. How will Pierre act? What if he doesnt want the responsibility? Will he leave me? What if madrinha was right? No. she isnt. Pierre isnt like that...hopefully... were the thoughts that were running through my mind as I drove to the studio.

Crystol's Point Of View

Everyone was at the studio except for my beloved best friend. And I was getting bored. And of course they made David take his Ritalin so he's focused on the job, so that isnt helping me find entertainment.

"Hey Pierre, where's Sarah?" I asked making him turn his attention away from the table thing.
"She hasnt been feeling well so she went to the Doctors." he replied. As soon as he finished that sentence, Sarah walked through the door. She went right for Pierre and sat on his lap.

"Hey guys, Hi baby." She kissed Pierre.
"Hi. What did the doctor say?" he asked.
"Its a cold. I have to get my medicine. Crystol, will you come with me?" she turned to me.
"Yeah, sure."

We left and got in her car, we started driving. It was silent until she spoke up.

"Crystol, I dont have a cold."
"Then what do you have?" I asked getting worried wicked fast.
"I'm..." she trailed off into silence.
"You're what?" I asked now feeling impatient.
"pregnant." she barely whispered looking at the road.
"Oh my god. Really? Wow. How?"
"Do I really have to explain that?"
"No! Dont. I'm just, you know, surprised."
"Yeah, you and me both."
"Wait! It is Pierre's right?"
"No, I've been cheating on the man that I love with my whole entire heart." wait a minute...I'm confused.
"I'm being sarcastic!"
"Oh... I was going to say..." We had arrived at the pharmacy and got some ice cream. And Sarah got the latest Alternative Press magazine and I got Rolling Stones. Then we paid for our items and started to go home.

"So when do you plan on telling Pierre?" I asked after she had pulled out of the parking lot.
"I think I'll tell him Wednesday, on Christmas day." seeing that it's Saturday, it isnt that long of a wait.
"I'm afraid he's going to leave me."
"I can't believe you even think that..." I said dumbstruck.
"Okay, let's pretend your pregnant with David's kid. You're telling me that you won't be at least a little bit nervous?" I took a minute to think.
"I would be a little. But I know that he loves me. And I know that Pierre loves you and I know that you know that he loves you."
"I know, but he's on tour for months at a time. What if he doesnt want the responsibilities?"
"Well, if he loves you as much as he says. This will just make your relationship stronger. If he doesnt, he isnt worth your time, I'm here for you and I doubt that all of the guys will ignore you because you and Pierre broke up because he was stupid. And you're strong. You can do this."
"I guess..." That was the end of the conversation, the rest of the car ride was silent.

When we got home no one was there. I decided to call one of the guys to know what's going on. I randomly picked a name, which just happened to be Pierre.

"Yo dickweed"
"sup shithead?"
"Wellll, we're home and you guys arent here. There's something not right with that."
"Oh, well we're leaving in about ten minutes. So relax shithead."
"Shutthefuckup. ...Dickweed." he chuckled.
"Nice comeback. We'll be there in about 20 minutes. See you then."
"Peace Dickweed!"
"Yeah. See yah..."

I walked into the living room and saw Sarah eating Cheetos and watching Invader Zim! I jumped onto the couch excitedly next to her.

"Invader Zim!" I squealed. She just looked at me oddly and turned her attention back to the TV.

Pierre's P.O.V

When I stepped inside David's house, Sarah was asleep on the couch while Crystol was sitting next to her hypnotized to the TV. When she finally noticed we were here she jumped on David and they started making out. I put a blanket on Sarah and kissed her forehead. Then went into the kitchen where all of the guys and Crystol were. We had some beers, talked and joked around, you know, the usual. When everyone was leaving I carried Sarah to the car and started for home.