

~9 Weeks Later~

"Alex, stop! Alex, I'm serious! Stop it!" I begged him as he breathed heavily and let his hands off of me.

"I was just kidding around with ya." He continued to breathe heavily as I rolled my eyes and laid my shaky hand on my cantaloupe shaped stomach.

I looked over at him, his chocolate brown eyes meeting my own.

"I'm not feeling well." I sighed as he half smiled and bit his lip, looking over at his TV as we laid in his big ass bed.

I was about four months along in the pregnancy and I wasn't taking it too good. I've talked to my parents after everything that had happened. My dad is still living with my mom until he can find another place to live. They got a divorce.

Alex looked over at me. He knew that I was deep in thought about something. He grabbed my hand and moved over in bed closer to me.

"Hey, I didn't mean to fuck around with you while your pregnant." He told me as I laughed slightly and looked over at him.

"You were just tickling me, Alex. It's nothing major." I half smiled as he smiled back and kissed the back of my hand.

"I was thinking maybe we could take Becca tomorrow to the Baltimore fair."
"The fair?" I said in surprise.
"Yeah, unless you don't wanna go, but Jack and I usually go every year." He replied.

I thought about it for a minute. Becca hates going out into public. It's all because of her condition. She can't wear a wig on a ride...Because if it falls off that would be so embarrassing for her. And I would feel so bad.

"We don't have to." He spoke softly.
"No, I want to. It sounds fun. I've never been. Becca never has either." I said.
"She'll be fine. She's a kid. I'm sure she'll love it." He told me.

Becca isn't like other teenagers or kids for that matter...She's very hard to convince now days. And her having cancer makes everything much worse.

I sighed and looked over at him as he kissed me passionately. I pulled away from him after we were done and I looked at him in surprise.

"You are so fucking pretty. I can't get over it." He smiled his crooked smile.
"Well, you're the best guy ever...And I can't get over it either." I giggled.

He smirked and put his strong, gentle, soft hand on my belly as I laughed slightly and stared into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed my almost over sized stomach as I smiled like crazy when he looked back up into my eyes.

"What do you think this kid will look like?" He laughed as I shrugged.
"We'll find out won't we?" I grinned as he smirked.
"I hope it looks just like you." He laughed as I laughed along with him.
"Why? I hope it looks like you." I winked.
"Why? It will have my ugly ass face." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Your face...Is the best face..." I couldn't go on with my words because Alex and I were too busy laughing our asses off.

Alex and I stopped laughing and stared at one another as the TV played on a low volume. I smiled and turned over so my face was facing his. He laid his hand on the side of my stomach and kissed me softly as I smiled into the kiss.

"I really need to take a shower." I sighed as we pulled away from one another.
"Same here." He grinned, wiggling his thick eyebrows. I laughed and shook my head.
"No way, Alex." I continued to laugh.
"Come on. I'll wash your back and you can wash mine." He winked.
"I believe it's...You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." I smirked.
"Or we can do that. Sure." He laughed as I rolled my eyes and thought about it.

Was he actually serious? Get in the shower with him? But my stomach is huge! Well, not that huge...I'm only four months along. Ugh, but I've never took a shower with him. I've never really done anything with him, but sleep with him and make-out with him. Why not though? I'm bored and it's a late Friday night.

"Alright." I half smiled as he grinned and jumped up out of bed and slipped his Glamour Kills shirt off and his skinny jeans, leaving him in just his boxers.

"Alex." I laughed and raised up in his bed.
"What?" He smiled and put his hands on his hips.
"Just...Let me go to the bathroom." I said and got up slowly out of his bed.

I put my hands on my lower back, supporting it. I walked to his bathroom as he laughed and smacked my ass before I opened the door.

"Alex!" I exclaimed as he continued to laugh his ass off. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes as I went into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and slowly started to take off my pajama bottoms and my slim fit white t-shirt that makes a little bit of my stomach stick out towards the bottom of it.

I was left in just my black underwear. My bra was already off...ugh. My boobs were getting fucking huge. Great. This makes everything much better...I was excited, but at the same time I felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The butterflies were going crazy and my heart wouldn't stop pounding so fast up against my chest.

I heard him knock on the door as I stared at myself in the mirror and rolled my eyes. Almost six more months of pure hell. I can't believe that I was doing this.

"Come in." I sighed as he opened the door slowly and I folded my arms across my chest so he wouldn't be staring at my breasts the whole fucking time.

He looked disappointed when he came in, but he forced a smile.

"We don't have to do this." He said quietly as I stared him in the eyes.
"No, I want to." I half smiled as he came closer to me and kissed me softly.
"It's just a shower." He whispered as we pulled apart from each other.
"I know that." I chuckled.

He walked over to his lime green colored bathtub and turned the faucet, making the shower come on. He turned around and stared at me for a moment as I stood there...totally lost in his deep chocolate brown eyes that I fell for the first time that I saw him in the Panera Bread line.

He held out his hand and smiled his crooked smile as I blushed. I placed my hand in his as he pulled me toward him. He slipped off his boxers as I gulped and continued to stare straight into his beautiful eyes.

"I won't look." He whispered in my ear as I laughed slightly and nodded. I slipped off my black underwear slowly as he continued to stare into my eyes just like I did when he slipped off his boxers.

"You ready?" He continued to whisper as I heard the pounding of the water from inside the shower pounding down on the tub floor.

I nodded slowly as he moved the shower curtain over a little bit and got in. I got in with him as we continued to stay hand in hand. I laughed as the water came down on Alex's back and I stood in front of him while he looked down at my breasts and then back up at my face. He had a huge smile on his face which made me blush and close my eyes.

"Stop looking. This is so embarrassing." I continued to laugh and look down at our feet as he started to laugh his ass off.

"We've been together for four months, Maria. I'm comfortable for you to see me naked. Why are you so embarrassed? You still look amazing...Pregnant and all." He smiled as I still continued to blush.

"I just feel...Fat. And I don't want the most amazing, hot, nice guy to see me like this." I told him as he started to laugh again and he took both of my hands in his.

"Look, Maria, you're so fucking perfect...even when you're pregnant. I wouldn't want you to change." He smiled as tears came to my eyes and I got closer to him as the almost hot water came down on us both.

He continued to smile as I smiled back and my eyes roamed his precious face. He cradled my head in his strong hands and rubbed his rough thumbs across my damp cheeks. He leaned down and kissed me passionately as I returned the kiss. His tongue licked my bottom lip as I opened my lips slightly, letting his tongue roam freely inside of my mouth.

I giggled up against his lips as he pushed me lightly up against the wall and grabbed my left hand, holding it up above my head. He pecked at my neck as I moaned softly. I enjoyed this...I enjoyed him touching me and kissing me, showing his love for me. I knew that he loved me just as much as I loved him.

"Mm, Alex. Alex. Oh." I continued to moan as his lips traveled all the way up from the nap of my neck to my jawline.

"Maria." He breathed as the water started to turn really hot which made it more passionate.

"Alex! Oh, I love you so much." I moaned again as he squeezed my ass.

He laughed up against my neck as I smiled and closed my eyes. I grabbed the shampoo and poured some into the palm of my hand as he stopped kissing my neck and smiled at me. I smiled back and scrubbed the shampoo into his thick brown (blonde highlighted bangs) hair as I giggled.

I made some of his hair stick up, giving him a mohawk. I started to laugh my ass off as he started to wash it out and I put some shampoo in my thick black hair. He watched me as I stared at him and rolled my eyes. I got under the water with him as he helped me wash it out, making me laugh.

We continued to stand under the water as he stared down at my stomach with his wet bangs hanging in front of his soft, deep, chocolate brown eyes. He put his hand on my stomach again as I jumped from his touch. He laughed and looked up into my eyes as I moved closer to him, making my stomach almost touch his.

He grabbed the Cucumber Melon body wash that I brought over from house and put in here like a week ago when I technically...sort of moved in with him. He smiled down at it and then looked up at me as I laughed and looked behind me, grabbing the white pouf he had on the edge of the tub.

He put some of the body wash on the white pouf that I held in my hand and then put the body wash down as I smirked. I washed his chest with the pouf as he smiled the whole entire time I was washing him. My heart pounded rapidly up against my chest.

"Oh, Maria!" He fake moaned as I giggled and kissed him as he took the pouf from me and washed himself off and then he started to wash me...Which was awkward.

He put some more body wash on the pouf and then he rubbed around my neck as I tried to hold in my giggle. He moved the pouf down to my breasts as I gulped and closed my eyes. I bit my lip as he made me back up against the wall I did.

He rubbed softly around my breasts, making me moan.

"Oh, Alex." I moaned as he moved the pouf down to my stomach, rubbing it around slowly. I bit down on my lip harder as Alex made his way down to my sensitive part.

I swallowed hard as he looked into my eyes. I secretly pleaded for him to just stop and put the damn pouf down...He was thinking long and hard about it. I didn't want to do anything sexual with him until this damn thing comes out of my fucking stomach.

But believe me...I really wanted to sex Alex Gaskarth...So fucking bad.

He stopped and put the pouf down.

"I'm sorry. I got a little too...carried away."He said quietly as I stared up into his eyes and half smiled.

"I really want you, Alex. I want to be with you for a very long time...And I wanna do things with you." I said in a seductive voice as he gulped and smiled his crooked smile.

"Really?" He grinned.
"Hell yes." I bit my lip.
"Well, why don't we do something tonight then." He said in a husky voice.
"I can't." I spoke softly.
"Why can't you?" He asked with a look of concern on his face.
"Because I just...I don't know. I don't want to risk anything." I said.
"Oh. Um, alright. I understand." He said with disappointment in his voice.

I swallowed hard and nodded as he turned off the shower and looked into my eyes. He put his two hands on each side of my wet neck. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my wet lips with his own.

He got out of the shower and grabbed a green towel, wrapping it around his waist. He then grabbed me one as I got out of the shower, pulling the shower curtain back all the way as Alex eyed down my breasts.

He wrapped the towel around my shoulders and hugged me close to him as I laughed up against his wet chest. He picked me up bridal style, unexpectedly. I laughed and wrapped my right arm around his neck as he carried me out of his bathroom.

He laid me down on his bed, soaking wet. He laid down beside me and covered us both up under the white bed sheets.

"Alex, we didn't even dry off. I'm getting your bed all wet." I giggled as he moved closer to me and moved some of my wet strands of black hair back from my face.

"So? I don't mind." He smiled as I rolled my eyes and snuggled close to him, laying my head on his wet chest.

"You smell good." I sighed into the crook of his neck. He kissed the top of my head and turned his lamp light off.

"So do you." I heard a smile in his voice, which made me smile. I kissed at his neck and closed my eyes as my heart continued to pound rapidly up against my chest.

"Goodnight, babe." I heard him whisper.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty, so...This chapter took me all fucking day and night to write. And I know this was a horrible filler, but I kept on having interruptions the whole entire fucking time I had to write.

1) My mom kept on coming into my room.
2) My dad kept on asking me if I wanted to go with him places.
3) My dumbass sibling was in our living room, yelling her ass off.
(So me...being the good daughter that I am. Went out there to see what the hell was going on.)
4) My mom again.
5) It's that time of the month. So I had fucking cramps like crazy.
(We're all girls here, right? So it doesn't really matter if I say that. Cramps are a bitch and mother nature needs to go fuck herself.)
6) My computer was being slow as fuck.

So, yeah, you all better be happy that I wrote a chapter. Haha. I know you all are :) I'm just saying. But anyways...Some of you might have noticed how many spaces there is now in my chapters. It's because I like the way it looks with more spaces. I don't know why....I just do.

Oh, yeah! I am seriously obsessed with the song Just The Way You Are now by Bruno Mars and that song reminds me of Maria and Alex. Like alot :) I don't know about you guys...But you should really go listen to it. Because it reminds me of them. Like seriously.

I also have a new story out called Ex-boyfriend. Alex is in it and the first chapter is alot like my story I Hate Alex Gaskarth, but...It won't be like that. It's just the first chapter that's really identical to the first chapter of I Hate Alex Gaskarth. So I hope you all go subscribe and comment on it! :) The layout is adorable on it...Just saying.

Give me 19 comments on this and I'll update tomorrow! I promise! :)

Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3