

"Um, hi, Becca." I walked into her room slowly as she looked up at me from her bed. She was watching Spongebob and drawing, just like she always does.

"What do you want?" She said in an annoyed voice as I swallowed hard and looked down at my sister ring she gave me for my birthday last year...before she got bad.

"I wanted to talk to you." I spoke softly and walked over and sat down on the edge of her bed as she continued to draw.

"Look, if it's about how much you're going to miss me when I am gone...Save it. Alright? I don't wanna have another one of these dumbass talks with you." She said harshly as I felt that lump coming up my throat and I tried my best not to cry.

"I can see that you're angry, but I-." She cut me off.

"Go to hell. I have cancer, Maria. That's why I'm angry! It's not fair. It's just not fair." I heard her voice crack as I gave her a look of sympathy and my heart broke in two.

She was right. It wasn't all.

"I know, Becca. And I am so sorry that it had to end up this way." I told her and tried to lay my hand on top of hers, but she moved her hand quickly before I could lay mine down to try and comfort her.

"Just tell me what you want." She said, meeting eyes with me.
"I am going on a date tonight with-." She cut me off.
"I don't care! You have freedom and I don't. Stop rubbing it in." She rolled her eyes.
"With the guy who-." She cut me off once again.

"I said I don't care, Maria! Now get out! Please!" She begged as tears filled her eyes. I rolled my eyes and walked towards her bedroom door.

"Fine. But don't come to me when a boy finally asks you out! Because I'm not going to be there to listen!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and slammed her door shut as tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"You're such a bitch! You know for a fact that I'm not allowed to go on fucking dates! Dad won't let me!" She screamed bloody murder as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, guess what! He's never home anyways!" I screamed as tears continued to fly down my cheeks as I stomped off to my room and slammed my bedroom door, making the pictures on my bedroom wall shake.

I plopped down on my bed and cried into my bright white pillow case. Life is unfair...That was the only thing Becca was right about.

I sniffed and stared down at my sister ring with the little pink heart inside of the silver heart with the word sister up above it in big silver letters.

I looked over at the time and realized Alex was going to pick me up any fucking minute.

I panicked and hopped up out of bed and stripped out of my clothes and ran to my bathroom and hopped in the shower, taking a quick one.

After I washed my hair and cleaned myself I got out and started to dry off. I put my hair up in my bright green towel and slipped on my black underwear. I slipped on my peach colored strapless dress that had a thick black belt under the breasts. The dress went up to my thighs and up above my knees.

I haven't been on a date in so damn long...And I was so fucking nervous. I was shaking and my heart was going crazy. I mean...I don't like this guy. He's just a guy. He isn't anything special to me.

Except he is going to be the father of this baby...

I started to apply my make-up and after that I blow dried my hair and teased it. I sprayed it with my sexy volume hairspray. I put on my lock necklace that I got from a mall out of Baltimore about a year ago.

I walked out of my room and grabbed my black flat shoes and slipped them on. Before I left my room I grabbed my black purse and walked downstairs.

This is going to be an awkward date. I just know it.

I walked outside on our porch and saw Alex in his black Honda Civic. He was staring up at my house in amazement. My mom was at the store and she didn't know that I was going on a date tonight. I just told her that I was going out.

I'm old enough to make my own decisions now. I walked up to his car as his frown turned into a warm smile.

"Hey." He smirked as soon as I got in his car and shut the door. He pulled off down the street as I looked at him and smiled back.

"Hi." I spoke softly.

"You alright?" He asked after a moment of silence as I shrugged and nodded slowly. I can't tell him what I am going through just yet...I would rather wait. I just met him and I do not trust him.

"Do you uh...Like Italian food?" He grinned and stared over at me as he stopped at a red light. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course." I replied with a smile on my face.

Within minutes we pulled up at Olive Garden. I let out a slight laugh as we both got out of his car. Alex walked close to me as he opened the door for me. I forced a smile and walked in as he came in behind me.

"Hi! Welcome to Olive Garden. How may I help you this evening?" A young woman about twenty six asked us as I looked at Alex for the answer.

He smirked and got closer to the girl and whispered something to her so I couldn't hear. I was so curious as to what he had in mind.

"Um, sir. I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that." I heard her say as she half smiled at Alex. I saw him roll his eyes and then he pulled out his wallet from his back black skinny jean pocket. He looked very good tonight. He was wearing a nice black button up dress shirt with a white loosened tie and his hair looked always.

He took out twenty bucks as she stared down at it and smirked. I folded my arms across my chest and nibbled at my pink glossy lip from my Victoria Secret lip gloss.

"I'll see what I can do." She winked at him as he sighed and she walked away, leaving us standing there by the front door as some people came in behind us.

"What was that all about?" I asked him as he smiled and swung his head to the side to get his highlighted bangs out of his chocolate brown eyes that were filled with excitement.

Curiosity continued to rush through me as she came back and told Alex something as he smiled and she led me and him up a spiral staircase.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he grinned and we followed the waitress.

I've never been up here before...I didn't even know this Olive Garden had an upstairs. This is crazy. He barely even knows me and he is going out of his way for this shit.

I gulped when I saw the big booth. We were the only ones up here.

"Enjoy. Your waitress will be with you in a few minutes." She told us and handed us menus and walked back downstairs as I slid into the booth as Alex slid in next to me. The Italian music filled my ears and made the environment more enjoyable.

"What are you going to get?" He asked me, staring into my eyes as I swallowed hard and stared back into his.

"Why did you do all of this for me?" I asked him in shock as he looked around our quiet little area and shrugged.

"You deserve something nice. At least...I think you do." He said quietly as I continued to stare at him.

"If you say so." I mumbled and stared down at my menu.

"I'll get whatever you get." He said and continued to stare at me as I rolled my eyes and looked up at him.

Why did he piss me off so much? I don't know what it was about him that made me like this.

"I don't think you're going to like what I get." I said as he shrugged and itched the top of his head as I sighed and shook my head and continued to look down at my menu.

"Hi. I'm Megan. I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" She spoke in a monotone and she really needed to watch how she puts on her eyeliner. I mean seriously...I'm surprised they haven't fired her yet.

"Um, yeah. A budlight." Alex cleared his throat as she wrote that down on her notepad and then they both looked over at me.

"Uh...Tea." I said as she nodded and walked away from our table and downstairs as I looked at Alex and he chuckled.

"She looks fucking fantastic." He said sarcastically as he looked away from me and I rolled my eyes and rubbed my temples as everything turned silent and the Italian music continued to grow louder and louder.

"You look really pretty tonight." I heard him say after a long time of silence and letting the Italian music rape our eardrums.

"Um, thanks." I spoke softly as I felt his hand on my back, making me jump.

"Relax. You're with me now. It's all good." He gave me a reassuring smile as I stared back at him. He looked pretty sure of himself.

Finally our drinks came and we ordered what food we wanted. That gave me and Alex some time to talk at least. I don't know why, but I felt like I could just break down and cry right then and there. I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

"I don't know what to do. My sister. I'm pregnant. My dad won't help me and my mom out with her. It's getting ridiculous." I said, my voice cracking. Alex arched his thick eyebrow up at me.

"Wait. What?" He said, obviously confused.

"My sister. She has cancer. That is the only reason why I got pregnant in the first fucking place." I said as Alex half smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was laying in my lap as I flinched from his soft touch.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You wanna talk about it?" He asked, looking into my eyes as the waitress interrupted us with our food.

Alex and I both got Fettuccine Alfredo. The waitress left as we both sat there in silence and started to eat.

"I guess we could." I spoke softly as everything turned awkward.
"Want me to go first?" He said as I looked up at him and half smiled.

"Alright then. So...I had a brother named Daniel and he died when I was in high school. He went suicide. Fucked up and crazy as shit, I know. It made me, my mom, and dad become distant and that's when I started a band." He shrugged and took a bite of his Alfredo as I stared at him and took a sip of my tea.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered as he shrugged and stared into my eyes.

"Your turn." He said quietly as I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, letting out a shaky sigh. I didn't know where to begin...

"It's alright, babe. Take your time." I heard him say as my eyes flew open. I hated the name 'babe'...Josh used to call me it all the damn time. I know mainly every boyfriend or guy calls their girlfriend babe and shit...But I just have terrible memories of him.

"Um, okay. I have a sister...And she has cancer. So my parents forced me to get pregnant. I had no guy to get pregnant by...And I wanted to do anything to help my sister live. So I have to give birth in a matter of months to a little fucking human being with an actual beating heart and my mom and dad act like it's not a big deal when it is!" I exclaimed as Alex looked at me in shock.

"I still haven't told my parents about this shit." Alex whispered as I shook my head and ate slowly.

"It's ridiculous. The kind of shit I put up with." I mumbled as Alex stared at me while I ate.
"And that Josh douche. Do you still talk to him?" He asked me as I shook my head and sighed.

"I don't really like to talk about him much." I said as Alex nodded and twirled his noodles around his fork as he stuck them in his open mouth.

"So...about this kid." Alex said after a while of just eating and not talking.
"What about it?" I chewed slowly.

"I can't be with you and the kid because I..." Alex paused when he saw my eyes start to fill with tears.

"Ah, shit. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Shit! I know that was a fucked up thing to say. Let me explain." He said as tears started to cascade down my cheeks, probably making my eyeliner run.

"No, I get it. It's totally fine. You have a life, I know. I just...I knew this wasn't a good idea. I was dumb to think that this could actually work." I whispered as I sniffed and dabbed my eyes with my napkin as Alex gave me a look of sympathy and he had this urge in his brown eyes to comfort me.

"No, Maria. You don't get it. I-." I cut him off.

"I just wanted some help with this kid. It's your kid too! Ya know? Ugh. I can't believe this. Every guy is the same. Do you realize I have no one to turn to anymore? It's like everybody hates me or something." I sobbed as Alex tried to hug me, but I pushed him away from me and got up from the booth.

"Wait! Maria, seriously. Let me explain." He said as I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"Then explain." I said in a shaky voice.

"I have a band. We go on tour alot. I can't be around all the time to help you with it. Because I have a career. I'm just saying." He said as I let more tears fly down my cheeks.

"I barely even know you and yet...I'm being forced to have your fucking kid. can't even help me with it? All you care about is going on tour for some "band" that probably isn't even popular." I said doing air quotes as he chuckled and shook his head, staring down at his food.

"You don't get it." I heard him say as I rolled my eyes and gave him a dirty look.

"Oh, believe me. I get it. I get you already although I hardly even know you. You're just like Josh. All you care about is yourself and when your next fuck is going to be." I said and walked downstairs as I heard him call my name from behind.

I walked out of Olive Garden and to the parking lot as I heard thunder in the distance.

"Maria! Seriously! Come back inside. Finish eating. I want to get to know you." He said as I rolled my eyes and stared around the dark parking lot as he stared at me with his hands on his hips.

"So fucking what I have a damn band! I still said that I could help you with it. Just not all the time because I have long tours that I have to be on!" He exclaimed as I walked towards the bench and sat down, waiting on the city bus.

He sat down beside me and shook his head as I stared at the traffic going by. I folded my arms across my chest and sighed.

"You don't have to be this way...I know that everything seems hard now. But in a couple of months and over time everything will be okay. You'll see, Maria. Just count me in." He whispered as I looked over at him and shook my head.

"Hell no." I said through clenched teeth.

"You're pissed off because nobody treats you right. And I know how that feels...You have a wall up because you're so fucking tired of being hurt. And once again...I know how that feels. Please, let me in. I want to be with you in a time like this." He said as tears filled my eyes and I turned toward him.

"Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what I am going through. You don't have a little sister who has cancer and hates her life! And you were never forced to become pregnant by your parents!" I yelled out as he gulped and looked down at his converses.

"No, but...I had a brother who killed himself. And at times I wanted to kill myself." He whispered as I gulped and he looked over at me in my eyes with his watery brown ones.

"You don't need to go through with this alone..." He whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maria's Dinner Dress.

Sorry I haven't updated on this in about a week or so.
But here is the update now.
I have plans for this :] So bear with me...

Also...if you leave a comment don't give me one just saying that:
"i love the update :D"
Give me one that tells me how you felt about this chapter or how you feel about this story.
- What do you think is going to happen from here on out?
- What do you love about this?
- What do you hate about this?
- What do you wish could happen?

Stuff like that...

Umm. Oh yes! I changed Maria's picture on the summary page. She doesn't look that different. But I imagined her more that way and you can see her face better :] She is beautiful.
But anyways...I have 77 subscribers at the moment.

So give me 20 comments and I'll update tomorrow!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3