

~9:30 p.m.~

"You have a nice house." I whispered as Alex nodded and leaned in the doorway of the kitchen as he watched me with every step I took.

"It gets really annoying living with your parents...So I knew that I had to buy my own house or apartment to continue on with my career." He spoke softly as I half smiled and looked at all the pictures of him and his friends on the creme colored walls.

"I know what you mean. In a month I will be nineteen and I still don't have my own place." I chuckled as he plopped down on his dark green couch and turned on his plasma screen TV.

"How do you get all of this stuff?" I asked him as he shrugged and I stood there, staring at him while he flipped through the channels on his TV.

"I put on crazy ass shows almost every night." He smirked as I nodded slowly and he patted the couch cushion next to him.

I half smiled and walked over to him, sitting down beside him.

"You don't have to be shy around me anymore." He said quietly as I cleared my throat and moved more back into the couch, our arms were touching now.

"So...where were you from?" I asked him, trying to make it less awkward.

"Um, I was raised here in Baltimore, but I was born in Essex." He said as I nodded and arched my eyebrow up at him.

"England?" I said in shock as he chuckled and nodded, itching the top of his highlighted brown hair.

"My parents have accents." He rolled his eyes as I laughed slightly and shrugged.
"I bet they're better then my parents." I mumbled.
"Your parents" He said as I laughed and shook my head.

"Hell no. They forced me to get pregnant. Yeah, Alex, they're so damn cool." I said sarcastically as he laughed and bit his lip.

"Well, I'm going to have to meet them sometime...Right?" He said as I looked into his eyes and thought about it for a moment.

"Do you really want to? They're not worth meeting...To be honest." I whispered. He shrugged and moved his bangs out of his eyes so he could see me better.

"I guess I don't have to, but..." He paused and then sighed as we both stared off at his TV. I looked down at my peach colored dress and nibbled at my lip. This is awkward...Ugh. Why did he have to bring me back to his place after that awkward dinner? Fuck!

"Wanna watch a movie...Or something?" He asked as I looked up at him and nodded. He got up off the couch and walked over to his DVD shelf and knelt down so he could see them all better.

"I don't know what you like...I have Mean Girls? Uh...Juno?" He laughed as I rolled my eyes and forced a laugh.

"I don't care what we watch. I don't want to force you to watch some girly chick flick." I said as he turned around and gave me a stupid look.

"Hey! When was Mean Girls a fucking chick flick?" He said, taken by surprise. I shrugged and stared at his ceiling.

"Why do a whole bunch of girls like it and not guys? Yeah, Alex, it's a chick flick. Get over it. Why do you even own it?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes and turned back toward his DVD shelf.

"Okay, so...I have Talladega Nights." He said quietly as I chuckled.

"Sure." I replied as he stood up and put it in the DVD player as the TV screen turned a bright blue and he grabbed another remote and came back over to me, sitting down beside me.

"I can't stay for long." I told him as the previews started. He looked over at me and arched his thick eyebrow.

"Well, why not?" He mumbled.
"My mom and dad will be wondering where I'm at..." I shrugged and sighed.

"Come on, Maria. You're already pregnant. And you're old enough to make your own damn decisions. Just chill with me here tonight." He said as I gulped.

"Ugh. Fine." I whispered as the DVD menu came up and Alex put the remote down and stood up off the couch.

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked me as I shook my head and half smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna get you something anyway. So what do you want?" He asked again as I sighed and shrugged.

"I guess...Water?" I said.

"No, you'll take a Pepsi. 'Cause that's all I have." He smirked as I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Fine. A Pepsi." I mumbled as he grinned and walked off towards the kitchen as I sat there, listening to him make alot of noise in his kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a big bowl of popcorn with a Pepsi and a Orange Fanta.

He gave me the Pepsi and set the big bowl of popcorn in his lap and sat down really close to me this time. He grabbed the remote and pressed play on the DVD menu to Talladega Nights.

The movie started to play as Alex offered me some of the popcorn, but I said no thank you. He knew I was shy and by the look on his face, he found it amusing some how.

And every time he stared at the screen...My eyes always found a way back to him...

"I love how you stare at me every five seconds." He smirked, chewing on popcorn as my mouth parted slightly.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered. He smiled at me and winked as I blushed a bright red.
"I know you love me. Don't try and hide it." He grinned as my jaw dropped even more.
"Excuse me?"

Everything turned silent as I leaned more back into the couch and folded my arms across my chest. Ugh. It's like Josh all over again. Fuck this shit.

I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the movie in total silence.

Alex was then finished with the whole bowl of popcorn and he sat it down on the coffee table along with his orange pop.

"I'm freezing my ass off." He chuckled and folded his arms across his chest as I looked over at him and shrugged. He knew that I was irritated with his ass.

"I'll be right back." He muttered and got up off the couch and went down his hallway as I sat there, staring at the TV.

A minute later he came back out with a big blue blanket.

He got on the couch beside me again and covered me up with the big blue blanket as I gave him a pathetic look.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I said as he laughed and brought me close to him as I rolled my eyes and he held on tighter to me, which made my head become forced down onto his shoulder.

I breathed into the crook of his neck as the movie continued to play, but I wasn't even watching the movie. I felt him grab my hand and rub soft circles on the back of it with his thumb.

"See how nice this is?" I heard him whisper as I gulped and looked up into his warm brown eyes. "You being" He continued to whisper as he smoothed some of my black bangs back from face and put them behind my ear.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in a long time." He smirked as my breathing sped up and my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest.

"No. You're just saying that." I whispered as I felt the lump start to come up my throat. That is the most nice thing somebody has ever said to me in a very long time.

"No, I'm not, Maria. I'm serious. I know a beautiful girl when I see one." He spoke softly and put his index finger under my chin, lifting my face up more to meet his.

"Well,...That's really sweet of you." My voice started to crack as tears filled my eyes.

"Maria, don't cry. I'm just telling you the truth." He half smiled as tears flew down my cheeks, but he kissed them away, taking me by surprise. I flinched from his touch as he chuckled and stared into my eyes with his soft, glossy, chocolate brown ones.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm letting everyone down...I don't deserve your kindness, Alex." I sobbed as he gave me a look of sympathy and he turned his TV off and looked me in the eyes.

"You're not letting anyone down. Everyone is screwing you over, Maria. And I don't like seeing you cry like this. I want to be there for you. I want to help you." He said as I nodded slowly and swallowed hard. "And if you need anything at all...I'm always going to be here." He whispered as I nodded again and stared into his eyes as he half smiled and cradled my head in his strong, warm, gentle hands.

He brushed his lips up against mine softly as sparks flew inside of me. My stomach started to churn with anxiousness as I begged for more. He brought me into his lap as he laid down all the way in his couch and we got more comfortable. I snuggled close to him as he propped his head up on a couch pillow and put the blanket fully over both of our bodies.

"Please stay here tonight." He whispered with a sigh in my ear.
"I can't." I replied with a half smile.
"Aw. Please." He started to beg.

"Don't even start with me on this. I'm not falling for it." I told him as he laughed and stared into my eyes as he stuck his bottom lip out. Oh, fuck. I knew this would happen.

"Please stay the night with me. I'm gonna be thinking about you all night anyway." He grinned as I rolled my eyes and the butterflies roamed around in my nervous stomach.

"Fine." I gave in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler :/ I know, I know.
But bear with me on this. This is going somewhere.
But seriously, guys. 11 comments?! You all can do better then that!
I have 84 subscribers, people. 84! And I ask for at least 20 comments!
You guys can at least give me that! Because I work hard on these updates for you all.

Anyways...I'm really mad about this.
This is so funny...I know you guys are going to laugh your ass off when you click the link.
Jack and Alex.

But yeah...

Give me 22 comments! Or I will not update for a VERY long time! I mean it...

And don't just give me comments saying...
"Great update :D" or "I love this! Update soon!"
Give me comments telling me what your favorite part of the chapter was.
Or how their relationship is going.
Stuff like that.

Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3
P.s. Tell me how you like the new layout! What do you think it means?! :)