

~4 Weeks Later~

I skated around the rink with the whistle in my mouth. I was in charge of helping anybody up if they couldn't manage to get themselves up on their own. Or if there was a fight I had to break it up. Alot of teenagers were here tonight...

I continued to skate around the big ass rink as the song Just Like A Pill played by P!nk.

I then saw Alex over on the side of the rink with one of his tall friends with dark black hair and his dark blue hat on sideways. I waved and smiled as Alex winked at me and then I felt strong hands on my waist.

I jumped and turned my head to see who it was.

It was Josh. Oh my fucking gosh. Are you kidding me right now?

"Josh, what are you doing here?" I yelled over the music as he laughed and grabbed onto my hand and he wouldn't let go.

"Because I want to be." He smirked. I rolled my eyes as he continued to hold onto my hand. I looked over and saw Alex, getting his skates on with his friend. I chuckled and met eyes with Josh again.

"You're always here." I said.
"Because you work here." He grinned as I rolled my eyes once more.
"Come on. You know you want me, Maria." He winked. Ugh.

"Fuck off." I said through clenched teeth as he gripped my hand even more tighter then the first time.

"Alright! We're going to slow things down for a while. It's time for couple skating!" The guy I worked with screamed into the mic and then the song Lips Of An Angel came on by Hinder.

"This is nice." Josh smiled as I sighed and then Josh was pushed out of the way by Alex as I laughed when Josh fell flat on his ass and everyone stared.

Alex grabbed my hand and started skating by me as the butterflies rushed around in my stomach.

"Glad I came in time?" He laughed as I giggled and nodded.

"I don't know what I would've done if you didn't do that." I smiled back at Josh who was still flat on his ass on the rink floor.

"Ya nervous?" He asked me after a moment of just skating and not talking.

"A little bit." I blushed as Alex grinned and skated backwards, taking both of my hands in his as we made our way towards the middle under the disco ball. He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips up against mine as I giggled up against his.

"PDA!" His friend shouted, circling around us. I laughed and pulled away from Alex as he rolled his brown eyes.

Alex's friend skated into the middle by us and smiled like an idiot.

"This is my friend Jack. He's gay and wants my body." Alex grinned, his eyes popping out of his sockets as I laughed my ass off and Jack gave me a quick hug.

"Alex, shut the fuck up, bro. You know we are so gay for each other." Jack said in a gay voice as I giggled and Alex shook his head and folded his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, man, I don't think so. I'm taken." Alex winked over at me as I blushed a bright red.

"Anyways...Jack, go get us some nachos, bro. 'Cause we are going to be here for a while." Alex smiled and pulled out some money from his back skinny jean pocket and handed it to Jack.

"Fuck you. You forgot to pay me for giving you that Blow Job the other night." Jack laughed as my eyes popped out of my sockets.

"He's just playing." Alex said nervously as Alex pushed Jack, making him roll towards the entrance of the rink.

"Come on." Alex smiled and took my hand as we started skating again.
"You look nice today." He said after a while of not talking to each other.
"Really? So do you." I smiled.

I looked him up and down as he skated backwards in front of me, which made it much easier to talk to him that way.

He was wearing his denim skinny jeans, a black hoodie that said All Time Low in silver letters, and a hat that was sideways and made his blonde highlighted bangs stick out a little bit in front of his right brown eye.

He looked hot I had to admit.

"You wanna stay with me at my place tonight?" He smiled as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I have to take care of my sister, Alex. She's getting really bad. And my parents are starting to wonder where I am half the time." I told him as another song came on. It was Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston.

He shrugged and grabbed my hands as he started singing the lyrics and doing a cute little dance as I laughed and blushed. He brought me closer to him and locked hands with me.

"Come on. Stay with me. I wanna make you breakfast and stuff in the morning." He winked as I giggled and looked up into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Aw. You're so sweet." I grinned as he smiled and kissed me. And then out of no where Alex tripped and fell flat on his back as I fell on top of him.

We both looked up and saw Josh with a smirk on his face and one of his friends standing by him, laughing his ass off.

"Ugh." I groaned as I got up off Alex and helped him up.
"Josh, just go the fuck away. You're always here." I said in an annoyed voice.

"Bro, just take your sorry no good ass out of here. You think you're going to get into Maria's pants and your not. She's mine now, man. So just back your faggot ass up." Alex smirked and pushed Josh back a little as he rolled a little bit back on his skates. My mouth parted slightly as Josh gave Alex a dirty look.

"Back my faggot ass up? Hey, at least I didn't get her pregnant." Josh grinned as Alex rolled his eyes and met eyes with me as I sighed and got in between them.

"Look, boys, if this is going to turn into some big ass fight then I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you two to go somewhere else." I said, putting my hands on my hips as Alex stood close behind me, trying to protect me.

I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry came on as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Move your cute little ass out of the way, Maria. This fucker is all mine now." Josh said in a stern voice as I gulped and Alex pushed me lightly out of the way.

"Alex, Josh, stop it! Seriously!" I shouted over the music as Josh popped his knuckles and Alex pushed his hoodie sleeves up.

Ugh. You have got to be kidding me.

"I got the nachos." I heard Jack say from behind me as I rolled my eyes and stared back at him.

"Can you please go stop Alex? He's about to get himself into some deep shit." I told Jack as Jack nodded and handed me the nachos as Jack got in between Josh and Alex.

"You both have no idea what you're doing. Alex, step away from this guy who looks like he's going to beat your ass. If you don't then I'll-." Jack was cut off by Josh's fist going into his clueless face.

I winced as Jack fell flat on his ass, holding his face. Josh laughed and pointed down at him as Alex pushed Josh onto his ass, along with his friend. I blew my whistle two times as they stopped fighting and security came running onto the rink floor.

Alex and Jack exited off the floor as security took Josh and his friend away. I helped Jack over onto a near bench and made Alex sit down beside him. I handed Alex the nachos and told Jack that I was going to go get an ice pack for his bruised up face.

A few minutes later I came back with an ice pack and made Jack hold it close to his eye. Alex moved over so I could sit in between them.

"Josh does not like to be messed with. He always comes here because he likes to piss me off. So do not put up a fight because-." Alex cut me off.

"I can take that dick down any day." Alex said as Jack held out his fist and Alex pounded it.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt." I told him as he shrugged and half smiled at me.
"I don't wanna see his ass all up on you though." He said.

I itched the top of my head and nodded.

"I'll try to keep that from happening." I said.

"Good." He winked.


"Yeah, mom. I'm coming back home tomorrow. You don't have to worry." I told her as Alex kissed my neck and I held back a giggle.

"Alright, Maria. I'm tired of you messing around with all these damn boys and sleeping over at their houses. You're pregnant. You do realize that?" She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, I'm only sleeping over at Alex's house." I chuckled as Alex nibbled at my neck and I squeezed his hand to try and get him to stop.

"Gaskarth? The sperm donor?" She said in shock. I laughed.
"Yes, mom, the sperm donor." I giggled as Alex nibbled at my ear, making my mouth drop.
"Are you and him together? You never told me about him that much." She said in a irritated tone.

"I'll tell you about him later, mom. I gotta go. I have to pee." I giggled as Alex laid down on his bed and pulled me down on top of him as I continued to giggle.

"Ugh." And then she hung up on me as I rolled my eyes and threw my phone down on his floor.

Alex cradled my head in his strong hands and kissed me passionately as I gripped onto his white v-neck shirt and he squeezed my ass, making me squeal. Alex moved more back into his bed near the headboard.

"Your mom seems cool." He whispered as I laughed and looked into his eyes.

"You have no idea." I grinned as he laughed. He sighed and put his lips up to my ear, whispering sweet nothings into it. I giggled and bit my lip.

His lips traveled all the way from earlobe down to my jawline and to my chin. I smiled and put my lips over his as his tongue traced over my bottom lip, wanting in. My lips parted slightly as his tongue roamed freely inside of my mouth.

"Mm." I moaned as he continued to grab at my ass and get more aggressive with me.

He made me get off of him as we both got under the sheets. He propped up on one of his elbows and stared me down with his chocolate brown eyes. He smiled and made his index finger trace patterns up and down my arm.

I smiled and closed my eyes as he kissed my relaxed lips. I then felt him lay his strong hand on top of my stomach as I jumped and my eyes flew open. There was a bump could totally tell.

He bit his lip and stared me in the eyes as I laughed and kissed him softly.

"I'll go get you something to wear." He said as I smiled and nodded. He got up out of bed and walked over to his closet as I stared up at the ceiling. He pulled out a checkered button up shirt and then he went over to his dresser drawers and pulled out his navy blue boxers.

"The bathroom is right over there." He told me and pointed over to his bathroom in the corner as I nodded and got up, heading over there.

I shut the door behind me and stripped out of my skinny jeans and my work shirt, along with my black bra. I looked around his bathroom. It was dark green themed. I liked the colors he chose for it.

I grinned and slipped on his button up shirt and buttoned it. It was too big for me, but I didn't mind. I then slipped on his boxers and smiled. His clothes smelled like him and I was starting to love his smell.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw him, laying in bed with no shirt on. He just had his black sweat pants on. His hair was messy and he looked adorable.

I stared at him as he looked over at me and patted the bed beside him. I smiled and got in bed with him as he put the sheets over both of our bodies. He got up again and turned off his bedroom light and then got back in bed with me. I smiled as he cuddled close to me.

"Damn. Your cold." He laughed as I laughed along with him and laid my head on his chest up by his neck as everything turned silent.

I loved being in his arms. I missed being treated like this...

I felt him kiss my forehead as I grinned and snuggled closer to him.

"Goodnight, Maria." He whispered and then sighed as I smiled and kissed his neck.

"Night, Alex."


I woke up that morning to the smell of pancakes. I smiled to myself and stretched. I raised up slowly and yawned. I itched the top of my messy black hair. I got up and checked myself in the bathroom mirror before walking out to the kitchen.

I didn't look too bad.

I saw mouthwash and took a swig of it and spit it out. I ran my fingers through my tangled black hair and then quickly walked out of his room and to the kitchen. I then heard a TV playing. I looked into the living room and saw a Raven's game playing on it.

I went to the kitchen and saw Alex cooking. I smiled and leaned in the doorway. He was actually making breakfast for me...just like he said he would.

I blushed as he turned around and saw me, biting my lip and blushing. He grinned and came toward me as I tried to stop blushing.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiled as I laughed and he brought me into a warm hug.

"Good morning, handsome." I giggled and got on my tip toes, ruffling his hair as he laughed and walked back over to the stove as I followed behind him.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast." I sighed as he looked over at me and smiled, flipping pancakes.

"I'm not. I'm making us breakfast." He winked as I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"All three of us..." He mumbled after a moment of silence as I arched my eyebrow up at him.
"Oh, is Jack coming over too?" I chuckled.
"Nope." He said, popping the 'p' as I gave him a curious look.

He chewed on a piece of bacon and wiggled his thick eyebrows at me as I continued to arch mine.

"All three of us?" I said, obviously confused.

"Yeah. All three of us." He grinned and put down the spatula and brought me closer to him as he laid his hand on top of my little bump I had forming on my stomach.

"Oh. T-that's what you meant." I stuttered as he chuckled and nodded, kissing me softly.

"I have to talk to you about this situation, Alex." I whispered as he went back to cooking and I sat down at the kitchen table by the island.

"Talk. I'm all ears." He smiled back at me as my heart started to pound rapidly up against my chest.

"Well, since my sister is on the verge of dying at the moment...We don't have much time to keep her...alive." I felt my voice starting to crack as Alex turned around and gave me a look of sympathy.

"So...What I'm trying to say is...This baby-." Alex cut me off.
"Our baby." He corrected with a smile on his face as I chuckled and smiled back at him.
"Our baby isn't going to have a kidney, Alex. You do realize that, right?" I said as Alex cleared his throat and nodded slowly.

Alex continued to get our breakfast ready. He put three pancakes on each of our plates and some bacon and eggs. He came over to me and set my plate down in front of me with a fork and a glass of orange juice as he did the same for him.

He sat down beside me and held onto my hand before we started eating.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, Maria. Don't cry. I know it seems hard now and stuff...But we'll get through this." He spoke softly as I nodded and looked deep into his eyes.

And the funny thing is...I actually believed him.
♠ ♠ ♠

I know I keep on updating cliche and cute chapters, but I like how their relationship is going right now :) This is going some where though...I pinky promise.
Okay so...I'm tired of begging you guys. Like seriously.
I keep on getting more subscribers on this story, but no comments.
It really bums me out.

But some of you who do comment are amazing! And I love you guys :)
Especially the ones who leave the long meaningful comments.
But, yeah...

Please comment, guys! Because it really bums me out when you don't :/
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3