

The Future:

I was furious. I was in pain. How could he make up something that is so ridiculous! He just couldn't stand to see my life run smoothly. He always just has to come in and fuck everything up...

And as I stood in front of that polished rock with that name written on it...I felt as if a whole bunch of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

I looked down at my now flat stomach. I half smiled and danced my fingers along it.

It was all over now. I had nothing to worry about...Tears came to my eyes as I thought about his wonderful face. He was gone now...Thanks to that ugly piece of shit I used to call my boyfriend.

"I'll see you again some day." I whispered as I let the tears cascade down my cold cheeks. It was October...

I didn't go to the funeral. I couldn't stand to be around everybody sobbing and staring at me. It's not my fault that this happened. I couldn't stand to look down at that dead body...

I was at the graveyard alone...

And then I heard thunder roll in the distance as I jumped from the giggle I heard echoing all around me...

My phone vibrated up against my side in my skinny jean pocket. I jumped and took it out, looking down at the screen to see who it was....

My mother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so short, but I'm saying Goodbye to Mibba for a while...

I'm tired of these little bitchy girls acting like the queens of Mibba. And telling me what to do like they know everything. It's really stupid and immature. And they're talking shit about me right on their profiles. I just don't want to hear it, see it, or be apart of it anymore.

So maybe when these little fuckers can grow up and say this shit to my face like mature adults so we can handle this the right way. Then I will come back and update some more. I'm really really sorry to all my faithful readers who I love very dearly, but this shit can't go on anymore.

I will check my Mibba every other day. So if you wanna come and talk to me about this situation. I will be here and gladly tell you about what happened.

"I'm sorry that Miss Emo Fabulous bitched you out. Thanks for sticking up for me :) she thinks we suck cuz we don't have many readers, but little does she know that we pwn cuz we are Lit kids!!!!"

(Haha wow. Really?)

"it's fine. the only reason she gets comments is because most of the people who write on here eat that up, all of the badly written fanfiction. I think it's hilarious that she says the same things because she can't take a little"

Okay, so...Go to my profile if you wanna actually see the dumb person who wrote this. Do you guys really eat that shit up? And basically the person was saying that I have horrible grammar and I need to proofread more.

So...Yeah. I'm tired of all this shit. Please comment.
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3