Status: Slow Active

Please Don't Stop the Music

Life as Usual

Point Of View: Rain Rose Summers

I. Hate. That. Woman! I'm dead serious! She's a complete...ugh. There is not a word in the world that could tell you about my hate for that woman! She's not who my father should have married! I liked his friend that came over back when my mother first died. She was helpful and kind, but my dad was so blind because of my mom's death, that he ignored her. Even after he wanted someone to fill the empty hole my mom left.

Tia was nice when we were introduced. I almost mistook her as my dad's friend from before. Except, Tia has long, dark hair and green eyes and my dad's friend had short red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. She was nice, but one day my dad fixed up his old piano for me to play, stripping the old paint off and putting new paint on. Then he said that he was going to marry Tia. I mean...I guess it was exciting that my dad was finally getting back into life. I just didn't want Tia to be my step mom. When I told him this he just shook his head and said it was a done deal and they where getting married within the next year.

I still didn't hate her as much as I do know. I completely hated her when she took the old piano my dad took so much effort and time to paint, and destroyed it. It looked like a truck rammed into it. There where keys missing and dents all over it. A leg was missing and the paint was scratched everywhere. My first real outlet for my, musical abilities, as my father called it, had been destroyed by the woman I'm suppose to call my 'mom'.

I didn't get a classic piano after that, because my dad thought that I had smashed mine. He bought me a violin though. I loved it and kept it hidden in my room. I found it shoved in the linens closet with all strings broken and the neck had been smashed. Tia said she swore she didn't do it, that I was a trouble maker. This is when I was forced to move to the basement so I wouldn't cause as much trouble upstairs. I'm stuck in the place where it's cold, dark, and has a lot of spiders, which I'm allergic to and scared of. While Tia, the woman my father has barely known for two years, sleeps in a warm, safe, spider-free bedroom.

When I was fifteen, it really hit me. The basement stared to creep me out, so I stayed up half the night, giving me bags under my eyes. My skin grew pale because Tia didn't allow me to come up whenever she had her friends over, which was everyday. I became skinny because Tia thought I was too fat, even though I'm 5'1 and only weighed around 100 pounds before. After Tia got married to my dad, she messed my life up so much. She changes my wardrobe to what she likes, so I've started to hide the clothes I actually where in a pin code door- it's like those garage door openers that you attach to the garage, but it unlocks the door.

That's when people started to avoid me. I mean, who'd want to be friends with a girl who looks so...tired, so sad? Both described, and still does, describe me. After a while my dad got me a drum set. He thought I needed an outlet again, since I hadn't had anything to do but sulk in the basement. I didn't use it for a month. It just sat there. One day, well this may sound weird, there was a fly on it. I smacked it with a drum stick, (I had the stick in my hand) and didn't want to put it down just yet. I began to learn at age fifteen to play drums.

Tia was angry that dad had bought me a drum set. When she thought my dad and I were out, she snuck downstairs to destroy my drum set. I was in the closet, and turned around just in time to see her pull her foot back to kick the Bass Drum. When I caught her, she said that Rufus shouldn't be spending money on me when I don't appreciate it. She said he should be spending money on her. Blah, blah, blah. Then, she said that she would've never married my father if he wasn't going to buy her things. I snapped and punched her in the nose. My dad gave me heck, ook away my phone and cable from my room, and grounded me for two months. It was so worth it though, because it's not everyday that you get to punch your step mom in the nose. Well, it may be. Not for me though.

I met Bianca when we were four, in kindergarten actually. We were both really cute then, really shy too, though she got way more shy as we got older. We grew closer and became friends. We played piano together, though she had a keyboard, which was awesome. It had a much clearer noise, and you never missed a key by pressing too hard or too light.

Well I guess me and Bee are best friends. She was the only one who didn't stop talking to me, when Tia started living with me. Then again, she didn't have many friends. Who am I to talk though? I only have one true friend, a crush, a pain in the ass and a bunch of people I despise from school. That crush? Oh he's nobody. Just a new kid, a imple fling. I don't even think he likes me, so it's a silly crush that will be tossed aside with the rest of them soon.

It was around the summer before grade 11 that he moved in, just a block down from my house. But, then again, a block in View Point is about the size of half a regular block in a small city. Okay that didn’t make much sense did it? Oh well. He moved in three houses down. How do I know? Must I go back to "this is a small town"? If someone sneezed, a person from across town can say, ‘Bless you’. Plus, the people carrying things into a empty house is a hint that someone moved there. Another hint is, that that’s where I saw him first. I’m pretty sure he didn’t see me. He has a lot of hair…I need a hair cut…

The pain in the ass? Well that’s crushes’ cousin…thing. I can’t count pain-in-the-ass as a person, since…well he isn’t! He’s a player-jerk -ss who flirts with all the girls in the school, and they keep coming at him like he’s a freaking puppy!....No. Just No. I do not like him. He has never flirted with me. I mean, no one talks to me remember? I know he’s not a person, but he still counts in the nobody-talks-to-me category! I hate him. Less than Tia, but more than stepping in dog crap. Which, I suppose is like stepping in his crap, since people follow him around like he's a puppy. I seriously did not just…ugh. That is so gross.

Off of that topic now. I suppose, if pain-in-the-ass wasn’t around, I could be friends with my crush. But, pain-in-the-ass is his cousin, and they live beside each other. Well…I still have Bianca to talk to so I’m thankful for that. You know what? I’m going to stop taking Tia and Dad’s crap. I’m not going to stay in my room all day and do a reverse tan. I’m going to eat some more food since Tia thinks I’m fat and I’m going to sleep in the guests room, or my old room.

I wonder if they did anything to my bedroom? If they did, and it’s not a guest room, I’m going to kill Tia. I mean, if it’s not my bedroom, or anything else, and has baby shit all over the place, she doesn’t love my dad and will probably put the baby responsibilities on me! I’m too young to look after a baby! Calm down Rain. Calm down…

Dad wouldn’t have another baby. I’m pretty sure. If he does, my life here at View Point is going to become suckier.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, guys! Chapter two is finally out! *dances* I hope you enjoy it.
My friend Rose wrote this chapter (I just edited the grammatical and spelling errors~)
Feedback would be really, really awesome!
Thanks in advanced for readers, subscribers, and any commenters.
