Status: Slow Active

Please Don't Stop the Music

Breaking Chances

Point Of View: Rain Rose Winters

I sat down on the porch, my favorite get-away place. Though it's a step away from the house, so it’s not really a get-away place. More like quiet time. Which I don't get often since Tia moved in. Bee had just gone home for the night; I would've offered her to stay the night, but Tia was going on another rampage to my father about me. Which was annoying, believe me.

I closed my eyes and thought through the events of today. It was pretty plain. School is school after all. Though one thing did happen. Dennis decided to pick on Jonathan. How I heard about it? Bianca tells me almost everything; I sense she's holding back a few things. But hey. I don't tell her everything either. So it's only fair.

Pain-In-The-Ass is less of a jerk then Dennis. One day, when I'm not in high school. I'm going to kick his skinny ass. Why not right now? There is one high school in View Point, and I'm not willing to have another rampage about me not being able to go to school because I had to beat up Dennis. Though...if I got him alone. He would be the easiest target. My lips slid into a smirk as I thought about it. Dennis buries himself in his group of friends to seem tougher. Though in reality. He's a chicken.

After school I got home and Tia started to whine again. This time because I used some of her shampoo this morning because the shampoo I usually use was out. Then Bianca and I played around on the drums and keyboard and had some supper, then she left. The sun was still well above the horizon. We did eat early, I usually eat 7-8, but today I ate around 6:30.

The front door opened and Tia stepped out and put her hands on her hips. "Pray tell what are you doing out here?" She asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"I think what I'm doing is pretty obvious Tia." I murmured back, putting my elbow on the arm rest and putting my cheek against the fist and glancing sideways at her.

"You're suppose to be doing your chores, and what have me and your father told you? You're to call me Mom." She said rolling her eyes, reminding me of some of the preppy girls at school that I hate.

"Yes, I'm suppose to be doing my chores, and suppose to be calling you Mom. Neither are going to happen any time soon." She shot me a glare before turning and storming back inside. Even after the door slammed shut I heard her shouting for my dad.

Time to go. I stood up and slipped on some flip-flops that were always located outside. I heard my dad’s slow footsteps as he walked down, apparently too slow for Tia, since she started shouting before he reached the bottom. I quickly stepped down the porch steps and turned towards the right. As I walked down the street, I heard the familiar taunting voice from pain-in-the-ass. I turned slightly, pausing and looking at him.

“Hey Rain! Why don’t you go crawl back into the basement you came from?” He shouted, leaning on the porch railing and smirking. I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird. I saw Jon glancing from the couch on pain-in-the-ass’ porch.

“I will, right after you come out of the closet.” I replied smirking, he raised his eyebrow,

“Rain, hate to tell you, but I’m not in a closet.” He shot back, making me laugh and shake my head.

“Oi, you’re dumber than I thought!” I said crossing my arms and shot him a smug grin.

“What do you mea-….Oh.” He said before glaring at me. I heard a softer laugh from behind him and I walked up the concrete towards the porch. I stopped at the stairs and glanced at Jon.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” I asked shooting a smirk towards pain-in-the-ass.

“Why? You like him? Come on Rainy, I know you know who he is. I mean you practically gawk at him.” Landon said twisting around so his back was leaning against the railing and his arms were crossed. I saw Jon’s eyebrow raise a bit before glancing at me. I rolled my eyes. I was going to kill pain-in-the-ass later. Really.

“One, don’t EVER call me Rainy again, and two, I don’t even know him, and three, I haven’t seen him in school. Well maybe once or twice cus I think he’s in one of my classes.” I explained looking up as if thinking about it before shrugging.

“Don’t lie to me. We may hate each other Rainy, but we’ve known each other since kindergarten. I know you like I know the back of my hand. You’re desperately in love with Jon here.” He said making a kissy face. I glared at him clenching my fists, I raised a finger about to tell him off when a hand shot out and pushed Landon. I watched Landon lose balance. His arms failed and just as he was about to gain balance I grabbed his shirt. Pulling it towards me, since I wasn’t on the porch, causing him to flip over the railing.

I looked over to Jon who was standing now, he walked over and looked down at Landon. “Hey, Landon. Be polite would ya?” He muttered softly to Landon who was currently pushing his way out of the bushes. I laughed down at pain-in-the-ass who shot me a glare.

“Why should I? She’s nothing but a dirty whore.” Landon said standing up and dusting off his pants and pulling a twig out of his hair. My mouth fell slack; he had never said anything like that about me before. Then again I’ve never pulled him off a porch before. I didn’t bother with a comeback, I was too shocked. I clamped my mouth shut when he shoot a small smirk towards me. I glanced down and turned slightly to go back to my house. Though I’d rather punch him in the face, in fact, I will. Landon went to walk up the steps. I grabbed his shirt and tugged him back. He shouted in protest and I made him face me. He glared down at me, which was really expected. “Let. Go. Rain.” He hissed, probably not liking what I just did. Though currently I could care less.

I brought my fist back and snapped it forward. I felt the slight pain of punching his nose in my fist and brought it back. Landon’s face looked momentarily shocked before it melted away and he looked truly pissed. He cursed loudly and brought his hands up to his nose and cursed again turning around and swearing. Wow…that boy can swear a lot….

I wasn’t expecting Jon to come down the steps and grabbed Landon’s shoulder and pull the guy’s hands away from his face to probably check if his nose was broken. Two different facial expressions flashed on Jon’s face. The first looked like some amusement, but it quickly changed to anger. He looked at me and his face looked like a glare. “Why’d you do that?” He hissed angrily. I felt my face go into surprise then raised my eyebrow.

“He called me a dirty whore.” I explained simply crossing my arms, his glare didn’t waver.

“So? You didn’t have to punch his face!” He countered; Landon straightened up wiggling his nose. He glared at me before pointing towards my house.

“Just go Rain.” Landon hissed before walking up the steps of the porch and punching the post. I glared at his back before turning and walking almost casually back towards my house. As soon as the anger started to die down, I felt the regret and unease settle in. Not because I hit Landon. I could beat him till he’s black and blue, though when someone sticks up for someone I hurt. I just, well I hate people who bully others. So when I do it without realizing it, and someone tells me, I feel guilty. So…

I walked into my house and snuck straight downstairs, locking the door with the deadbolts. I do NOT need anyone coming downstairs when I feel like this.
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Hey guys! Sorry its been so long since I've updated. I've just been going through a lot of major things lately. I really hope you enjoy this chapter.

Thanks goes to my friend Rose for writing it.
