Status: Slow Active

Please Don't Stop the Music

What a Jerk

Point Of View: Landon James Michaels

So I definitely had to give her credit; not that I wanted to. Rain could sure pack in the punch. My nose was still sore, and the punch had taken place over an hour ago. Jon was sitting across from me at the table, an amused smile playing at his lips. My mom was currently ‘doctoring’ me up. And to be honest? I didn’t want this kind of attention from my mom. Had it been a different kind of female attention, I’d probably be down with it.

I kicked Jon beneath the table, landing a good one on his shin. He scowled at me.

“Hey! No need to be all ticked at me ‘cause you got clocked by a girl.” He snickered and barely missed my next kick.

My mom straightened up with a sigh. “Honestly. You boys are such…boys.” She laughed at her own little joke while Jon and I rolled our eyes. I love my mom to death, but sometimes…she’s so embarrassing.


Ten minutes later, we’re hanging out in my room, playing Xbox 360. Jon is quiet as he kicks alien butt. I kinda feel the need to break the silence. But I never know when that kid is gonna be okay with me talking or not.

“Hey, um, thanks for sticking up for me out there.”

I watch as he snorts and pauses the game, turning amused blue eyes on me. “Not like you deserved it. But, unfortunately, we are blood.” He laughed softly, which doesn’t happen often. I smile a bit as he pins me with a look. “But call her a whore again, and I’ll break your nose.”

He was totally serious. I gave a tiny nod of my head and he flashed me a smile before unpausing the game and going back to slicing aliens.

“Hey, Jon?”


“Can I ask you a question?”

“Isn’t that what you just did?” He asked with a small smirk, and a soft voice.

I rolled my eyes. “Be serious for a second, would ya?”

He pauses the game again and faces me with a sigh. His lip is still split, not completely healed. But it happened a few days ago. Makes me wonder if his dad didn’t reopen it. He raised his eyebrows.

“Earth to Landon. You gonna ask or what?”

I shake my head sharply and get another laugh out of him. “Huh? Oh right. Yeah. So. You knew that Rain has the hots for you, right?” I asked with a smirk.

Jon scowls and rolls his eyes, turning back to the game. “If that’s all you wanted to know, Landon, why’d you bother?”

Touchy subject. Hehe.

“Chill. I was just curious.”

“Well, why’s it matter if I did or not?”

I shrug. “Dunno. Do you like her?”

He was so shocked at the question that he wound up killing himself. He turned around and punched me in the leg, pretty hard. “Ow!”

“That’s for making me kill myself, you douche!” He muttered darkly. He clicked the retry button and went back to playing. For a moment, I thought that he wasn’t going to answer my question. “She’s cute, but I dunno. I kinda like someone else.” He said nonchalantly.

My eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? Who?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Dude, you’ve been here like, three weeks. Who could you like?”

He just smirked and shrugged. “If I wanted you to know, I’d tell you.”

What a jerk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, chapter seven finally!!

Comments would be appreciated. :3

This is mostly a filler. Sorry for the suckage.
