Letters From the Unborn

Week 14

Dear Mamma,
Sometimes I feel afraid. It’s silly I know, but I can’t shake the feeling. There’s nothing to be afraid of in here, minus the things in my mouth, and I know you’d never hurt me, but…
It’s okay though because I learned how to calm myself already. I just need to remind myself that it’s okay, and your heartbeat usually does that. The steady rhythmic sound is very soothing actually. Do you have a heartbeat to listen to? Don’t worry about me being afraid though, because I don’t get afraid often. Just usually when you talk to the man who makes the same sounds over and over, and I don’t know why I’m afraid of him. I’m being silly I suppose, paranoid of something I haven’t encountered, but your heartbeat reminds me it’s okay. I have a heartbeat too, and it’s getting stronger, pretty soon it may be as loud of yours. In my first letter, I talked about how strange it is, but I don’t felt that way anymore. It’s oddly calming in a way, like I have this secret no one else knows about. But I guess they really do, if everyone has one, but in a time of such dependence, it’s nice to know I have something that’s just mine. But I’ll share it with you if you want, because you shared yours with me. Isn’t that how love works?
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter breaks the norm a bit, and makes Naitre sound a little more mature than i intended, sorry about that.