Letters From the Unborn

Week 7

Dear Momma,
The funniest thing happened today. My leg moved. I didn’t even do anything, I
just thought about how cramped it was, and my leg MOVED. I’m still tryna
figure this whole thing out, so sorry if I’m bouncing off you a bit. It’s good for
my legs to practice kicking, I think. I’m getting bigger so fast, I may have to
stretch you out for more room in the long run, that is, if I do stay wrapped in
you forever, that’s how it works, right? Anyway, I figured if I move my arms
and legs at the same time, I can actually move myself around! I mean flips,
kicks, bouncing off the sides, the whole kabootle!!!! I can close my eyes
now, and I’m just figuring darkness out. I’m not sure I like the darkness too
much, but then I feel tenderness from you, and I know it’s okay, because
that’s how it works. I know that much. In my last letter, I was talking about
how you and I are what exist, right? Well Mamma, where do you exist? I
suppose I don’t really want to know incase you are floating in darkness, that
would be sad I think, because there’s the most beautiful light inside you.
Does everyone have light inside them?
♠ ♠ ♠
I find the concept of Naitre speculating existance very interesting. Also the light concept. I kinda want to know how as readers, that was taken, because it allows for creativity. wether it's pictured as an angel, her soul, or (what I think) just light from outside the mother's body, would vary person to person, so if you thought of it as something other than me, I'd like to hear about it please.