The Little Bandit

Chapter Three: The Avoiding

I couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about what I had seen and how terrified I was. They – Aiden and Dylan – were actually friends and both of them were killers. I had been trying all night to call Adam’s hand phone, but it was always mailbox who answered. I was too afraid to tell Cathy. The worst was; they knew I had seen them. My life was in jeopardy.

I would be their next target.


I didn’t want to go to school the next morning, but my mom forced me to. Since she was very sick so that I didn’t want to hurt her feeling, I obeyed. I drove as slowly as I could, horrified of what would happen if I arrived in school early. But it seemed time had cheated on me. I arrived sooner than I expected. While I was parking my car, I saw Aiden’s car and a Porsche which was ridden by Dylan last night. So, both of them were here.

I sighed. “Come what may,” I whispered to myself.

Morning passed without any meaningful incidents; except that I had to answer to Cathy’s question, “Where’s Adam?” which I simply answered, “I dunno.”

Trouble came during the lunch. I sneaked between Cathy and her new boyfriend, Max Rodney. Cathy was the luckiest among us; she was not as weird as Adam and I, so it was not hard for her to find a date. Max was a good guy and he must love Cathy very much.

“What’s wrong, Al?” Cathy asked me, bothered by me who sit between her and Max.

“I want to disappear today,” I whispered, my eyes glanced towards the cafeteria. There was no sign of Aiden yet, nor Dylan.

“Why? Seriously Al, you are freaking me out. You seem a little off since this morning,” Cathy stated. “Is it about your mother?” she asked.

“No, Mom is okay,” I answered just before a radiant boy entered the cafeteria. Here he came, the famous Aiden who was by the way, a murderer. I screeched, buried my face in my hand instantly. Cathy and Max looked at me, puzzled, and looked at Aiden who sat three tables from us.

“Aiden?” Max asked me, jerked his head towards Aiden.

“Shush,” I hissed.

“What happened between you and Aiden?” Cathy asked. Was it me or did Cathy sound amused? She must think that there was something sweet between Aiden and I. Poor Cathy; I wished I could tell her. Maybe I would, over my dead body after he shot me.

I wished I had cloak of invisibility.

“C’mon, Babe, we have to go,” Max said, standing up.

“What? Where are you going?” I asked.

“Library,” Cathy told me. And by library she meant made out.

“Don’t leave me alone, or I’ll go with you,” I stood up quickly, made me stumbled because I had blood rushed. I almost fell over, but someone caught me.

“Are you all right?” Damn it, it was Aiden.

I took a deep breath before looked up, staring right into Aiden’s hazel eyes. We were too close; I could see his eyelashes, his straight pointed nose, and his full lips. I could see what the other girls saw from him. He was so gorgeous.

His lips moved into a perfect smile. He even got dimple in both of his cheek and also a cleft. Oh, he was too good to be a human being.

“Al, you are staring at him,” Cathy spoke, with a giggle.

I woke up from my trance, and jerked my body away from him. He stood still; his eyes still looked at me intensely. I had a strange feeling that I was being X-rayed right now.

“Thanks,” I whispered and abruptly turned my back and ran.

“Wait,” I heard he shouted but I didn’t care. I ran down the hall and for the second time this afternoon, I almost tripped. Once again, somebody caught me. Guess who I ran into; he’s Dylan. Good. What a perfect day.

“Hey you,” he greeted me. He was also good looking, his black hair was thick and wavy, his eyes were green and his smile was outstanding. Okay, I didn’t know whether today was my worst day or my luckiest day. I bumped into two gorgeous boys and both of them were the suspects of a homicide.

“Be careful,” he told me while he helped me stand, however, his hand still held mine tightly. There was a spark in his eyes - which made me more worried of my safety - then he continued, “I hope you don’t mind if I talk to you?”

I faltered, and then knowing that I had no other choice, I followed him.