The Little Bandit

Chapter Six: The New Member of Little Bandits

Aiden dropped me off at the café because my car was still parking there and insisted to follow my car just to make sure that I got home safely. I drove nervously, knowing that he stared at me from behind. I tried not looking at the rearview too often. The teddy bear, a totem of our wonderful time, sat beside me on the passenger seat.

After fifteen minutes drive, we arrived at my house. I parked my car in the driveway and found Aiden got off from his car and beckoned.

I walked toward him. When I was getting closer, he stroked my hair. I shivered.

“I will appreciate it if you don’t talk about this to anyone. I would be more than happy if you just keep this little secret to yourself. And I hope we could act normal tomorrow, as if nothing happen, and not talking about this. Never, ever,” he said.

My heart was hurt but I knew it was going to end like this. “Okay,” my voice was squeaky.

He gave me my favorite smile. “And one more thing, I almost forgot. What do you say about our offer?”

Oh, now we got down to business? “Well, I decide that I will join you guys.”

“Great,” he said. “Tomorrow, after school, go to Adam’s house and don’t go through his front gate.”

I nodded. I didn’t really pay attention to that matter now; I was too busy thinking about my feeling.

“Okay, time to go,” he clapped his hands. “Good night Alyssa.”

“Good night Aiden.”

Well, this was it. Just good night, no kissing, no hugging, nothing. Did he treat another girls like this? I turned my body slowly but my hand was grabbed. He brought me to his chest. My heart thumped quickly. I was not dreaming, was I?

I looked up, and found his eyes were staring mine. He moved his head closer, closer, our lips were just inches away, I could feel his breath now, minty fresh; my lips parted open indicated that I also wanted what he wanted. But no, what we wanted was different. He stopped in the air, and kissed my forehead instead.

“You’d better go inside,” he told me.

I felt my heart was hurt again, twice within ten minutes. I went inside while his car was going away.


Tomorrow, after school, I dropped by Adam’s secret room and was welcomed by Adam and Dylan. Aiden, as usual, was sitting in the sofa, watching. He acted as if I was not there. I tried not to think about last night.

“So, basically, your job is like our assistant,” Adam explained my job description. He was getting better now.

“Assistant? So I don’t need to chase bad guys?” I asked.

They laughed. “It’s too dangerous for you, Al. You will be in this room all day long, with me,” Adam said.

“Tell me more,” I told Adam.

“Actually, we have four divisions. First is The Stealer; that’s me,” Adam patted his chest, “I have to find the data about our target, it’s not easy because sometimes, our target is very important person, and I have to hack his computer or do something like that. Then, I will pass the data to The Observer and also the decision maker – you can say our leader – Aiden.”

I looked at Aiden surprisingly. I thought the leader was Dylan. Aiden was watching the news, not listening to what Adam said. No wonder, he looked so powerful.

“After Aiden approves to take that case, he and Dylan will conduct the stake out and find out about where the target’s hiding until they find the target. This part is called The Executor. And your job is, The Assistant,” Adam smiled, “You have to answer each email, we use our secret website with password, if you don’t have the password, all you can see is a website about pet grooming, I’ll give you the password later. Our regular clients have had their own password which will be automatically updated every 24-hour, so they can access our website and send an email to us. You have to print those emails; organize them based on priority and urgency, and report to me. You will help me finding the facts about the targets, compile, and pass it to Aiden. If Aiden thinks the facts aren’t complete, he has right to ask us to redo our job. Believe me, it happens a lot,” he ended his long speech.

I tried to absorb this information. It was easy.

“So, you think you can do that?” Dylan asked. He was sitting on a stool at the pantry.

“Sure,” I replied confidently.

“Great, welcome to The Little Bandits,” he said.

“Don’t use that name!” yelled Aiden.