Have Faith in Me

you'll always find me right there.

We are…

There were multiple moments when he thought he wouldn’t again be in the spot he’s in now. He’d be full of shit if he denied that the thought crossed his mind more than once.

He had a family now. His friends, his bandmates, they were also settling down in their lives, happy with where they are in life and who’s there with them. Although one of those friends is no longer in the band, he is still a part of the family that is the band. Always and forever, they promised.

At first, they were reluctant after spending so much time apart, after taking such a break from being together. That apprehensiveness quickly evaporated when they realized that that was where they belonged, in the same room, playing so passionately together like they always have since day one.

The fans, fucking God, the fans. They were scared shitless out of their fucking minds when they thought about the fans. They were terrified of them losing their faith in the band, in the people behind the instruments and microphones. They trusted their fans, they loved them with their whole being, but, there was always those damn “What if?” thoughts. What if they did lose faith? What if they stopped caring? What if, what if, what if…

The shorter guitarist finally exploded with the irritation and impatience he’d been struggling to keep in for so long, one rather dreary day at the studio.

“You guys are being fucking idiots. Listen to yourselves! These are the fans you’re talking about—our fans, dipshits. The people who supported the band since the fucking beginning, when no one else gave a shit whether we made it or stayed in the damn van the rest of our lives. These kids look up to us, whether we like it or not. Yeah, we’re probably not the best role models ever. Big fucking deal, because we can’t do shit about it. What would they think if they were to listen to what we’re all saying? They’d believe that we lost our faith in them, because it sure as hell sounds like we did. But they never lost faith in us, they fucking kept the faith strong and we’re doing nothing for them in return by sitting around and whining like fucking babies. The only thing we can do to repay them is to give them the best damn record they’ll hear, and fucking show them how fucking much they mean to the band, to all of us.”

And he was right.

Looking at all the smiling faces, the anticipation in awaiting the next words to leave his mouth, all the people, the fans, who are here to support the band they believe in, he could see that his friend was right. They never lost faith. So the band had no reason to lose faith in them.

Gerard looked out to their army, who were staring right back at him. He smiled.

My! Chemical! Romance!