Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

cleaning up Chayce

I heard a muffled scream after a while and Aedon bust out laughing.I swung open the door to see Chayce laying on the floor red faced and trying to cuss Aedon out around the duct tape and Aedon standing there laughing like an idiot. "What happened?" I walked over and bent down beside Chayce and helped him sit up. that didn't work as well as I had planned. Chayce was leaning up against me in a somewhat sitting position. Chayce grumbled and I mumbled a "Sorry."
"I obviously got the swim suit on him, and well I went to help him sit up then get up and he tried fighting me and fell off the bed." I sighed and laughed at the same time. "Aedon." He just gave me a fat smile.
We finally had carried Chayce into the bathroom and plopped him into a bathtub full of water and bubbles. the tape was starting to get a little wait and not so durable anymore. I ripped off the tape from his mouth and he hissed lowly. I smiled and starting washing the egg and cheese and whatever else there was off his face and out of his hair. "Your a pain, you know that?" "Of course!" I smiled to him.