Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

Cleaning Up

"So how was your day?" She asked now that we were all sitting at our small table eating lunch. "It was good." I said around a bite of sandwich. She smiled at me. "Um, I wanted to ask you three, why is there a can of cheese, a carton of eggs, and popped balloons out in the back yard?" We died laughing. "Me and Aedon were getting back at Chayce." I laughed. "Well you three need to clean it up after lunch." "Yes, Ma'am." We all said together.
We were now going around and picking up the yard, I didn't think we had made this big of a mess. There was cheese every where slung across the yard on the side of the house, everywhere. That was my job too. I was going around with the hose and hosing off the house and cleaning up the grass while the boys picked up what was left from the balloons and picked up egg shells while again I hosed away the yolks. I heard Aedon sigh and I looked up at him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Um." He smiled at me. "I just thought the moment needed it" I laughed and rolled my eyes. I looked over at Chayce his face was slightly pink from the sun and he had a weird look on his face. "Chayce, you alright?" He looked up at me and smiled. "I'm alright." "You promise?" "Yea, I promise." "Do you know what time it is?" Aedon chimed in. "Uh, no but we can take a break if you two want." "Sure." I dropped the water hose and walked over to turn it off. Then we all went inside. "Mom!" I hollered. "Yes?" She asked coming around the corner with a basket full of Jasmine's laundry. "Do you know what time it is?" "Um, it is." She sat down the basket and pulled her watch out of her pocket. "Why don't you just wear your watch?"
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sorry I'll have to finish it monday I'm grounded so I can only get online at school.