Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!


Thump, thump, thump. I groaned and removed my comforter from over my face. Thump, thump, thump. "Sissy!? Awe you oop yet?" Jazmine was banging on my door wanting me up. I groggily opened my eyes and looked over at my alarm. It was only seven. I groaned again and sat up in my dark room. "What do you want!?" I yelled at her. "I wants you oop! I twied coming inside youw room but the doors is wocked." "Go away!" I fell backwards onto my soft pillow and smiled. "No! Gets oop!" "It's up Jazmine, up, not oop." I laughed. "Oh, gets oop then!" I smiled and rolled my eyes at her. I heard her giggle from the other side of my door. "Hey, Small fry!" I heard Aedon happily yell at her. My mouth hung open. No one should be up this early, especially me.
"Oh, Ashlea!" He called. "Go away!" I yelled. "Get up!" He started tapping on my door. I sighed and sat up throwing my blankets to the side. I walked over to my window and pushed my dark purple curtain aside and opened my window. Mom had put the white ladder thing for decorations on the side of the house but right beside my window. I smiled and climbed out then climbed carefully down to the ground. "Ashlea, time to wake up!" I heard Aedon scream loudly. I laughed and walked through our front door and up the stairs where Aedon, Jazmine, and Chayce were waiting. I quietly climbed the steps and tapped on Chayce's shoulder. "Boo!" Chayce jumped about two feet in the air and Aedon screamed like a little girl while Jazmine jsut turned around and laughed. I laughed with her. "Awwww, did I scare you?" Chayce smiled at me. "Only a little."
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okay I'm going to be ungrounded as of tomorrow well today but you get the point so that means more updates for you! Now do the happy dance with me *Does little happy dance"