Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

The Little Girl Who Cried Wolf

I smiled a little. "Oh! I got her to smile!" Aedon yelled jumping up and down. Jazz laughed. I giggled and shook my head. "Now you guys get out so I can get dressed!" I shooed them out of my room and locked the door. "Aedon! Comwe wif me!" I heard Jazz squeal. I giggled again and walked over to my dresser to get dressed.
After I was clothed and ready for the day I walked down stairs. Chayce and Aedon were sitting at the table talking. "Where's Jazz?" Chayce looked up. "Oh, your mom took her to town with her." "Oh."
I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a granola bar and started chewing on it. "Welp! I'll me right back!" Aedon popped up and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. I smiled and threw the wrapper away. Chayce was looking at me funny. "What?" "Would you take off that jacket?" I looked down at my purple jacket. "No." He just shook his head. "I swear woman, your going to have a heat stroke." "I'm fine!" I gave him a cheesy smile. Chayce's eyes went wide all of a sudden and he grabbed his stomach. "Chayce!" I rushed over to his side. "What's wrong?!" "Nothing I'm fine." "Chayce tell me what's wrong!" "Nothing Ashlea! I just need to go."
Chayce got up and pushed me away. He walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "Aedon!" "What!?" "Meet me!" I could hear something fall in the bathroom and Aedon curse. Chayce walked over to our front door and turned back to me. "Sorry." He ran out towards the dead end of our street. I ran out after him thankful I decided to wear shoes I could run in.
Chayce ran into the line of the woods and I started to push myself faster desperate not to loose him. As I reached the lining of the woods it was harder to see him. I tried to push myself even faster. I may have been the fastest one on the school's track team but Chayce was running crazy fast.
Something caught my ankle and the earth came racing towards me. My arms flew out in front of me fast cushioning my fall. "Chayce where are you!?" I turned and saw Aedon running towards me. "Aedon!" I heard something growl. I looked up just in time to see Chayce's flesh being torn off his body and his bone structure change. There were these sickening pops and snaps as this happened. I watched wide eyed in terror.
"Ashlea?" Aedon touched my arm and I jumped about two feet in the air. "Oh, God." Aedon was mumbling under his breath. My heart was felt like it was running a marathon. "Well Chayce, I guess now would be as good a time as any to tell her."
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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile!