Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

I Would Never Kiss and Tell

"Yo, Fool!" Aedon jumped a little. "What in the crap was that???" I got up off my bed. "I.....I don't know." "Yo! I said Fool!" I heard it again. It sounded like it was coming from my window. I walked over to my window and opened and before I could look out Rayne's head popped up from no where. "HI!" I screamed and jumped back slipping and falling hard on my butt. Rayne cracked up and climbed in the rest of my window. "Rayne!" Aedon screamed excitedly, while bouncing off my bed causing Chayce to fly about two feet in the air. I laughed as Chayce whimpered right before he hit my bed again. Aedon ran over and hugged Rayne giving her a wet willy in the process. She shrieked. I got up with the help of myself and went and sat on my bed watching as Rayne tried hopelessly to get out of Aedon's grasp. I sat there amused. "Ashlea!" I smiled and got up. Taking a running start the best I could I darted towards Aedon and jumped onto his back like the little spider monkey I am. "Let her go!" I screamed. Aedon wobbled trying to catch his balance before he toppled over with us two girls. Rayne just kept laughing. "Help me!" Aedon yelled. The next thing I know I felt Chayce's arms wrap around my waist trying to pry me off his brother. I tried my hardest not to let him get me. "Come on, Ashlea!" Chayce said playfully. "I will force through the giggles! The giggles will not make me weak!" I said in between fits of laughter. We were all laughing and couldn't stop. It was as if someone had filled my room with laughing gas.
Finally Chayce pried me off Aedon and took three steps back and just dropped me on the floor. I screamed then hit the floor with a thud. "Ow!." I yelled up at Chayce noticing all he had on was a pair of jeans. He put his hands up innocently and shrugged smiling. I scooted over and wrapped my legs and arms around his leg. "Ashlea!" He whined. "You brought it on yourself." I heard him sigh. "I'm gunna go down stairs." Chayce said with a wicked smirk. My eyes widened. Chayce dragged me slowly over to my door and right when he was about to open it I grabbed his other leg then wrapped my legs around it pulled it to me. Chayce fell forward his head hitting my door on his way down. I gasped covering my mouth with both my hands. I quickly crawled over to his head. He was holding the back of his head so I couldn't exactly see his face under his arm. "Chayce?" I asked softly bending down closer to him. He quickly removed his arms and in one smooth movement reached up and kissed the corner of my mouth and then got up and ran out the door. I sat there shocked. He kissed me on the mouth!
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Ohhh La La ;) ha ha so what do you guys think? Comments please!