Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

Is There a Secret?

I looked back down at Aedon who had a huge smile splattered across his face. "A kiss was it?" I crossed arms over my chest. He nodded. "Fine but let me at least brush my teeth." I took off running towards the stairs and jumped up them two by two making sure he wouldn't catch me. I hit the stop step and looked back over my shoulder to see Aedon on my tail. I screamed and ran into my room laughing. "I got you!" He yelled and slammed me down onto my bed like we were in a wrestling match.
I went to get up but was pushed back down by my shoulders. "Did- um" I looked up to see Rayne looking at us wide eyed with her mouth hung open. "Sorry, Rayne. Forgot you were in here." "So you come up here to have a make-out session in your bed with me asleep!?"
I for one thought her face looked hilarious. I looked back up at Aedon. His face was ghost white except for the flaming red in his cheeks. I laughed at both of them.
Aedon slowly moved away from me and sat on the bed. I sat up laughing. "Rayne I wasn't trying to like make-out with her or anything. I just wanted the toy in the cereal box." Aedon said to trying to explain. I looked back at Rayne. Her face almost had question marks printed all over it. I laughed again and got up. "I'm brushing my teeth now, Aedon you can explain to her what exactly you were doing." I took off towards my bathroom and closed the door behind me.
The tooth paste was already out of the cabinet. Jazmine must have been playing in here this morning. I grabbed my toothbrush and put a squirt of toothpaste on it then began to scrub.
After I was done I washed my tooth brush of any paste and put it up along with the tooth paste tube.
"Ashlea!" I heard Aedon scream. I flung open the bathroom door. "Rayne what did he do to you!? Are you okay!?" I looked around frantically. "I didn't do anything to her, thank you very much. But she did punch me!" He was holding his arm and Rayne had a scowl on her face. "Why'd you punch him?" Her eyes went wide and her face white as did Aedon's. "What?" "I gotta go I told my mom I would be back by now to watch my baby cousin." Rayne got up and practically ran out of my room. I cocked an eyebrow at Aedon. "Ignore the punch." He mumbled.
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nothing to say really