Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!


He grabbed me around my waist then slung me over his shoulder. "Chayce!" I started beating on his back with my fist. "Put me down you jerk!" "Ow!" He tugged on my ankle for me to stop but I just hit him harder. "Ashlea I'm not going to put you down until you stop trying to hurt me." He walked into the living room and I could hear Aedon laughing at me. I gave up with a sigh and just lied my chin in my hands. "Chayce got you I see." Aedon laughed harder. I turned the best I could and gave him the bird.
I was then flung down. I screamed but landed on our soft couch. Chayce chuckled. "Scared I was going to drop you, Princess?" I glared at him playfully. "Ohhhh, I'm so scared!" He said sarcastically. I got up and doged at him grabbing his waist and taking him down. "Ha! I got you now, Princess!" I straddled his stomach and held his arms down. "Aedon?" "Yeah?" "Do you remember our plan from the 5th grade?" "How could I forget?" Aedon got up and went to the kitchen. "What is he doing?!" Chayce started to squirm under my grasp. I smirked down evily at him. Aedon ran back in the room with a carton of eggs, squirtable cheese, and filled water ballons. He sat them down on the coffee table and set every thing up as Chayce watched with his eyes narrowed. I started laughing as realization took him over. "NO!" He started to squirm again. "This is for being a jerk to us for three years!" He stopped and thought about that for a minute. I cocked an eyebrow as Adeon went up stairs to change incase he got fired at. "When?" He gave me an innocent look but he had a gleam in his eyes. "You know when, Chayce Calvin Kapur! " He smiled innocently. "Ready!" Aedon was hopping down the stairs two by two in the bathing suit he had left over here. "Aedon! I'm begging you help your brother!" Chayce was still trying to get out from under me. "Hold him down while I go change, Aedon." Aedon ignored Chayce and held him down. I got up and ran to the stairs.
I ran into my room and pulled out a black and shimmering gold bikini and pulled of my PJ's then pulled that on. I threw a to big T-shirt on and ran down stairs. "Ready!" I jumped down from the last step and grabbed the supplies and ran out side. It was war time.