Status: Working Progress

Ha Ha Ha, That Is a Funny Joke, Guys. Wait, You Were Serious?!

"Chayce is gonna kill us" Aedon whispered. I gulped. "I know."

I lied everything out in a straight line and turned back towards the house. "Let him go, Aedon!" I waited a few seconds before I heard Chayce scream at his little brother and Aedon come flying out of the house towards me.
"Don't hurt the supplies!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. Next thing I know Chayce came running outside looking outraged by his brother. "I'm gonna kill you!" He started towards us shrugging off his hoody and letting it fall to the ground behind him. "Now!" I shouted as I started grabbing water balloon after water balloon chucking it at him, Aedon doing the same. Chayce screamed and ran back wards towards the fence. Then we started with the eggs. Chayce screamed as one busted over his head and the yolk got in his hair. "Ashlea!" He stopped and turned around. He looked mad. A little too mad. I should have been scared to death but honestly it was taking everything in me not to laugh. "Yes?" "Your both dead." He started running towards us and Aedon and I screamed while laughing. I grabbed Aedon's arm once more and took off running away from him.
We ran along the fencing of my backyard until we were cornered. "Crap." I nodded. "Crap." Chayce approached us out of breath. I smiled sweetly. He leaned over me trying to scare me. It worked. I shrunk under his stare. Aedon just sat down pulling me down with him. So I sat beside him holding on to him for dear life. "Take this." Aedon whispered while putting something cold in my hand. I looked down and seen it was squirtable cheese. I smiled at him. "Nice work."
I looked back up at Chayce and smiled sweetly then took out the cheese pointed it towards his face then squirted. We sat in complete silence as the cheese exploded onto his face. Very dramatic.