Status: Active and Running


Candy Shop.

Ada’s P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open and all I saw was my messy, cluttered room tears pricked my eyes.

“It was only a dream.” I whispered frowning. I sat up and cried softly. My dream was one I couldn’t describe it was just peaceful.

My whole body felt free and lifted it was as if I was drifting on to a better place. I saw my loved ones and I really couldn’t say what happened in the dream all I truly remember was happiness.

I moved aside my faded pink covers so I could get up. The whole mess that happened last night had worn out my body. I could still feel the numbness.

It was slowly wearing off. As I walked around my tiny white room, I stumbled on a pile of my clothes that lay on the floor.

Once I realized how huge the pile was, I knew I had to go to the Laundromat. Quickly I arranged my room into a neat order and took a quick shower.

I put on a pair of grayish black leggings, an off white camisole, a loose longish sleeved shirt, a scarf, and a hat. Smoothly I slipped on my shoes and I tried to gracefully slip out of my window. I had all my dirty clothing in a huge bag on my arm.

The reason why I didn’t use the front door was because my “parents” believed I was too lower class to use any of the doors.

I walked away from my house I noticed a something strangely shiny under the tree I had climbed. I sauntered over to it and picked it up.

It was a silver bow necklace with a note. It read: Dear Ada,
We love you so much we thought
You deserve this and so much more.
Mark chose this out he thought it would look perfect on you
Deryck and I agreed, we got it yesterday right after you left
In case you were wondering.
So we love you!!
Jonah, Mark, Deryck.

I smiled as I slipped on the necklace. I felt a tear drop down my face; I have the greatest friends ever! My mood had risen quickly. I couldn’t stop myself from skipping off to my destination.

After I put the clothes in the washer I popped in a quarter. I sat down in a metal chair and said a quick prayer which wasn’t so quick.

Once I was done I noticed so was the washer. I changed the clothes to the dryer and popped in another quarter.

I grabbed my empty bag and walked out going to venture off until my clothing was dry. I looked around and noticed a candy store. I stuffed my hands in my pocket and found two quarters.

I skipped off in that direction and pulled out the quarters. My jaw dropped as I entered the shop. Every wall had different colored candies not one place where I looked was there not candy.

The walls were all painted a different color and in different patterns, the ceiling had a giant chandelier with all types of candies hanging from it. I turned around in awe.

Finally I saw something that caught my eye. A giant jawbreaker, there was a little sign below it that read twenty-five cents. I grabbed it and walked to the counter.

There behind the red and tall counter was man about sixty years old. “Hello little miss, how are you?” He asked jollily.

“I’m splendid and you?” I asked just as merrily. “I am just the same as yourself.” He answered. I took a quarter out of my pocket and paid him.

He gave me the jawbreaker in a rainbow bag that read Candies Delight. I took it from him and pranced out of the store.

I walked around for a little over an hour then I returned to the Laundromat. I stuck my clothing in my giant bag and then dropped it off at my house.

It was still early in the day; it was only around one thirtyish. Wandering around the streets I hummed to a dull tune. I looked around and noticed I was walking towards a field Creg, Jonah, Mark, and I would always go to.

A soft smile formed on my face at the memories. Before I realized it I was there all day. I got up from the floor and ran back home. I climbed up my window not going through the front door like I did the other day.

I changed into a t-shirt and boxers and pulled on long socks that reached at about mid-calf. I jumped into bed pulled over the covers and fell asleep.

Tonight though I didn’t get to have the luxury of a beautiful dream, all I got was a nightmare. I woke up the next morning shaking with fear.

It was so horrible, my dream was that Mark, Jonah, and Deryck all hated me. They treated me like everyone else did.

Tears pricked my eyes. Thank god it was only a nightmare.

It was a cold day so I pulled on some dark blue skinny jeans, a black pull-on jacket with a smiley face made out of eggs, an apple, and a sausage, three different earrings, a necklace, and my leather worn out army boots.

I grabbed my dark muddy green backpack and shoved my school supplies in it. After all it was Monday the worst day of the week.

I put on my bag and ran out the front door hoping my parents weren’t home or else I’d get slaughtered if they saw me. Sure I go out the front numerous of times but only because it’s easier than climbing down a tree with thin old branches.

Jonah’s car was parked there as usual; I rushed towards them hoping they would brighten up my clouded mood. As I got in the backseat I noticed Deryck was also in the car.

I perked up a bit after seeing him. “Hi Ada!” Mark exclaimed. I smiled at his enthusiasm. “Hi Mark, Jonah, and Deryck.” I said.

Deryck pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. “Hey my little teddy bear.” He smiled.

As we drove towards school I could feel something in the pit of my stomach, like a siren warning me about bad news. I shivered but ignored it and chatted animatedly with my loved ones.
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Hope you like it... Sorry for not writing in a LONG time.. I'll try to write more often but no promises this is a story where when I get inspiration or if I'm in the mood I'll write in it.
Her first outfit:
Second outfit:
next chapter I'll put in Mark's, Jonah's, and Derycks, if I remember. (: