Status: Active and Running


What the Hell?

Deryck’s P.O.V

Jonah’s grip tightened on my arm. He shoved a fist into my face and forced me to sit down on the floor in Mark’s room. He brought me here after I got in a fight with Trevor. “What the fuck man!” I shouted.

“What the fuck? Seriously did you not see Ada freaking out? I’m not mad that you hit Trevor au contraire I’m mad that you didn’t stop and tell him to scamper off. Do you not know Ada? Wait what am I asking of course you don’t know her you just met her last week. Well Mister Dumbass, Ada doesn’t like violence she has an intense fear of many things and fights are a close second on the list of her biggest fears.” Jonah was so mad you could see his veins close to bursting.

I looked down ashamed. “I don’t know it’s just when he said that about her and spit on her I saw how broken she was. I’ve never noticed how hurt crumpled she really is. How could I stand there and let someone stomp on her? I couldn’t do what you guys have done and just stand on the side ignoring what was happening I had a chance to help her and I did!

“I’m not going to lie to myself and say she’s fine when she’s not I don’t know what to tell you Jonah. I understand you probably didn’t know this but Jonah I really like her and defending her was in my instinct I can’t watch the people I care for get stomped all over so don’t yell at me when I’m not the one at fault here you and Mark are for not caring enough to defend her!” I shouted at Jonah angrily.

He laughed. “You really think we don’t care for her we fucking love her to death. I guess I never really knew what happened so I’m sorry for yelling at you like I did and punching you like that. It’s just when I saw her like that it was like Creg all over again I don’t want to ever see her look so guilty again. She thought it was her fault he died and she probably thinks it’s her fault you got in a fight with Trevor, and there was so much blood she probably thought you were injured but too bad she didn’t know that was Trevor’s blood.”

I gave him a confused look. “Why would she be guitly?” I asked.

"Honestly I don't know where she would get that it's her fault. If it was anybody's fault it would have been mine for just leaving Creg alone knowing something strange was up."

“Guys oh my god Ada ran off on me and I ran after her but there was this really big crowd of kids on the street so I lost her I don’t know where she went but she was crying and just please lets go find her!” Mark yelled going hysterical.

My blood drained from my face and everything felt numb. “Lets go.” I said grabbing Jonah’s car keys and driving off where ever the wind took us.

Ada’s P.O.V

Looking around, I realized I was at the cemetery. I stumbled towards my deceased brother’s grave. As I lay down I whispered a quick prayer and thought.

“Wow.” My lungs breathed in fresh air and I smiled. “I told someone the truth.” I giggled. “The truth will set you free, wow I feel so much better.” I took another deep breath.

I knew that wouldn’t stop the problems but that would make them so much easier to deal with. Getting to my feet I ran around in circles careful to not trample on flowers of the beloved people who have gone to the other world.

Meandering around the city I got lost in the most magnificent place. Searching around me I saw a glorious creek that lead to a lagoon and a waterfall. I didn’t care that it was freezing cold or close to night time.

I stripped off my clothing and jumped into the water. That place must have been enchanted with some magic because immediately I swam around with no fear and with no struggle. I guess I did know how to swim after all.

Finally I noticed it was way too dark even though the water felt toasty and warm I knew I had to get out and head home.

Quickly I pulled on my clothing and I noticed a trail I hadn’t seen earlier. I laughed as I noticed this trail led to the street directly to the side of my house. Quietly I clambered onto the tree that led to my open window and entered my room, my home.

Without a care in the world I went to sleep and thankfully it was a dreamless one.

Deryck’s P.O.V

All night Mark, Jonah, and I could not sleep. I spent the night at Mark’s, we all did. We gave up searching for Ada at around three o’ clock in the morning. Mark let us borrow some of his clothes. I chose a striped tank top, dark jeans, a leather jacket, and I pulled on my doc martens that I put on last night when searching for Ada.

I reached in the pocket of the hoodie I had on yesterday and retrieved my pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

When we were ready we drove off to school. I didn’t really want to go since Ada was M.I.A right now but I had no choice because Jonah and Mark dragged me here. We were late beyond belief and had already missed first period seeing that as we entered the hallway the bell rang and kids were walking out of classes.

We went to the office to get late passes then went directly to our classes. “Bye.” We all said to each other and went our separate ways.

I walked into the class and gave my teacher the paper; he took it and frowned at me. I just shrugged and went to my seat feeling horrible and unresponsive to the world. There weren’t many people in the class yet. While I was looking out the window I heard the door lightly open and heels click against the linoleum floor lightly.

Out of curiosity I turned to see who it could be and my eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. Ada was wearing a really short romper with black glossy heels and big hoops, well big for her.

“Ada?” I whispered. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her she looked. Wow. I hoped she wouldn't notice me drooling.
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title is from What the Hell by Avril Lavigne.
Ada's outfit:
Deryck's outfit: