Status: Active and Running


Hey You!

I smacked my lips together making sure I got the red all around my lips. I took a quick glance in the mirror and nodded satisfied with the way they looked. I shoved the lipstick in the pockets on the side of my romper then buttoned the pocket closed.

All my jewelry was on and my hat on my head but my heels were in my hand so I could run out safely. I looked at my body and saw all the bruises scattered around. I shrugged I wasn’t going to hide them, I was going to bear my scars like medals as the saying goes.

One last look at myself and I was off, with a different me, with the real me not some made up character hiding from everything.

Finally I made it to the school. I slipped off my socks and put my heels in place. I threw my socks off to the side knowing very well they were ruined.

I walked to my class quickly trying to avoid getting stuck in crowds of people. I softly opened the door and entered the room.

“Ada?” I looked up from my feet and saw Deryck looking at me with adoration. My stomach flooded with warmth and swarms of butterflies.

I nodded and sat down next to him. “Hi.” I smiled. His eyes were red and he pulled me into a tight hug. When he pulled away he pressed his lips softly on my forehead.

“We looked everywhere for you.” He said. I looked up at him then away. “I needed some time alone.”

Then we stopped talking and paid attention as class started. I could feel his gaze on me the whole time. When the bell rang I rushed out of the room and swayed my hips towards my next class. I couldn’t help but smile as I did so.

The warmth in my stomach earlier moved towards my heart, I felt happy that he noticed me. Sure I didn’t do this so he would notice me but it’s something nice to know.

Trevor made his way towards me. I not like usual just walked around him but not before I blew him a kiss.

All around the whispers were louder than yells. I knew they were talking about me but I didn’t care. All I cared about was Deryck, Mark, and Jonah and to make things better. I was going to show them the real me.

The school day went by slowly leaving me growing a beard anxiously. When the final clang of the bell echoed through the speakers I could feel my heart jump with excitement.

“Finally!” I shouted throwing my arms up in the air. I got up from my chair and rushed towards Jonah’s car.

I was breathing hard so to rest I sat on the hood of his car even though I knew he wouldn’t like it.

Not long after I heard his familiar voice, deep and velvety smooth. “Yo miss get the hell of my car.”

Jonah’s P.O.V.

“Yo miss get the hell of my car.” Who did this chick think she was gosh.

Her head snapped in my direction with her light blond hair swishing to the side. I swear if I were straight. I stopped looking at her and looked into her eyes.

She smirked as my eyebrows raised up with confusion. “That can’t be? No you’re not, you can’t be.” I babbled.

“It’s me.”

“Ada!” I gave her a huge hug.

“Jonah what’s going on?” I looked and met eyes with a very sad looking Mark. “Oh hey Mark look who I just found.”

Mark looked at her but didn’t see our beloved friend. Was he jealous? Did he really think I would cheat on him?

“Mark no you don’t understand.” I started laughing but I think that just insulted him.

He stormed off with tears in his eyes.

“Oh no.” Ada whispered with tears in her eyes. “He didn’t recognize me his best friend.”

There Ada and I stood both sad, heartbroken, and with tears in our eyes.

“Haha I got you two!” Mark shouted jumping out of nowhere and laughing. “You really think I wouldn’t recognize the beautiful little Ada Joan Blink?” Mark pulled us into a tight hug and we laughed all together like a big happy family.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was more like a family reunion type of thing. I hope you like it, sorry it wasn't amazing or anything it's just that I'm writing another story and am inspired but I got writers block on this one.
Please enjoy! (: