Status: Active and Running


Be Okay.

Ada’s P.O.V.
“Deryck I know I don’t know you very well but you have already become one of my best friends and you have no idea how hard it is for me to make a friend.”

“You’re my best friend too.” He said smiling at me. Without thinking I wrapped my arm around his waist. “You truly are a great person.” I said.

He slung his shoulder around me and hugged me tightly. “I’m yours…” he sang. When we arrived his house we were laughing and walking like friends do in movies how they move their feet outwards and to the side.

His house was a light brown color and was standard sized over all it looked nice on the outside and was decorated with many bright flowers. Inside it was much bigger than it looked outside. The walls were neutral colors and it was decorated with several paintings.

His house was beautiful and there were cute little knick knacks all about. It felt like a real home should full of love and peace.

“Deryck is that you?” a soft feminine voice called out. “Yeah ma it’s me and I have some news!” Deryck called back. “What is it sweety?” Deryck’s mom asked walking out of the kitchen with a small towel drying her hands.

She looked up and dropped the towel. “Deryck you didn’t go off and get hitched did you, honey you didn’t even invite your own mother.” She scowled.

“No mom I did not get married I’m only eighteen. I’m going to Florida for a week if that’s okay with you.” Deryck said rolling his eyes and giving his mom a hug.

“Oh well of course it is fine with me as long as you come back mister. My apologizes young lady you must think me a crazy women.” She said.

“No need to apologize and no you seem like a sweet and caring mother.” I said. Her eyes gleamed and she elbowed Deryck then whispered something in his ear. He blushed and nodded. “Yeah she is.”

“Well we’re going to pack my things now mom.” Deryck said grabbing my arm lightly and pulling me out of the living room and into a tiny hallway with two doors. One was his room and the other a bathroom. He opened the door and revealed a very neat room with a mattress on the floor. “You get the clothes from the closet and I’ll get the ones in the drawer so choose whatever you think I should bring.” He said.

I hurried towards his closet and saw that the shirts were organized by colour on the left side and his pants on the right. Without thinking I just snapped a bunch of shorts from hangers and a couple of long jeans. Then I picked out Tanks, t-shirts, V-necks, and a couple dress shirts.

After an hour we were done packing his things. He dragged the suitcase and walked into the kitchen. “I’m all packed and ready to go ma.” He said.

She turned around and smiled. “I called your father and he said you could borrow his van.” “That’s awesome thanks ma.” Deryck said pulling his mom in a tight hug. She gave him the keys. “Well you kids have a safe trip and see you in a week.” She said pushing us out the house. Deryck went into the garage and there was a bright orange 1972 Dodge van. It was in amazing condition and shone brightly. “My dad never lets anyone touch let alone use this car so it’s a miracle he’s letting me borrow it.” Deryck stated.

“Well lucky us.” Was all I could come up with since I was practically speechless. “Hey do you think you could drop me off at my place and I’ll meet up with you back at Mark’s?” I asked. He nodded.

“Thanks.” Then we drove off. I didn’t need to give him direction since he came with Jonah to pick me up many times.

Sooner than I would have liked we arrived my home. “Do you want me to come in with you or wait?” Deryck asked. I shook my head. “No I’m good thanks though.”

I climbed out of the car and waved until he drove off. Finally when he was out of sight I ran towards the tree in my window and climbed up.

My room was a mess things were ripped and thrown around. I gasped at the scene before me all my things were trashed. I ran towards my bathroom and ripped up a secret floorboard and saw that the locket Creg gave me a couple of weeks before he died and a teddy bear was still there along with the only photo I had of him.

I sighed in relief but couldn’t stop the tears from falling. I dropped the board at the sound of my door slamming open. I stood up quickly and couldn’t even react as my father stood at the door way with a somber look on his face.

“Where have you been?” He shouted. “School,” I stammered. “Are you lying? I saw a boy drop you off!” He decked me.

My head snapped back and the pain flooded my body. I closed my eyes and prayed that this would end soon. I sang sweet tunes of forgiveness and serenity. My mind was clouded over on a bridge between pain and dreams.

Finally I was alone on the bathroom floor with blood everywhere. Tears were streaming down my face and my body ached like my heart did.

Groggily I got up took the things that reminded me of Creg and climbed the window carefully trying not to fall because my body ached.

I couldn’t stop crying nor moving my feet just walked and walked. Not many people were outside today and nobody noticed me as I sauntered by which I was glad of.

I stopped in front of the house that was full of people who truly loved and cared for me. I saw Deryck’s father’s van parked in the driveway. I walked across the grass and rang the doorbell. Mark opened the door. When he saw me he dropped the bowl he had in his hand. I saw it shatter into hundreds of pieces and the ice cream that was in it quickly melt and run.

“ADA!” Mark shouted his smile turning into a frown and his eyes tear filled. He opened his arms out and pulled me into a hug. I hissed in pain and he quickly let go of me then softly shoved me into the house.

“What the hell happened?” Deryck asked taking in my appearance. More tears fell down my face as my body ached in pain.

“Oh god come here baby I’m going to go get my first aid kit and I’ll be right back to take care of you.” Claryline said rushing out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen to where she motioned me to go. I clutched the bear in my hand tighter as Jonah, Mark, and Deryck were glowing with rage. “Ada what happened?” Jonah asked this time. I trembled and whispered “he hit me when I got home.”

“Your father,” Mark asked. I nodded shakily. I saw Deryck’s fist clench. “You should have told me about this.” Deryck growled. I looked down at the ground but then my head snapped up. “I should have told you but I didn’t and that doesn’t matter because we all have each other and we’re going to Florida!” I exclaimed.

Mark’s mom tended to my cuts and put ice on my bruises then she gave me pain killers. She kissed my forehead and let me go to Mark’s room so I could change. I put on one of his shirts and a pair of boxers.

“Ada, are you okay?” Deryck asked entering the room. I walked out of the closet and nodded. “I’m fine now.”

“If anything ever happened to you I think I’d die.” He said standing not even a foot away from me so I had to look up to see his face and our chest were almost touching.

“Don’t say silly things like that.” “Silly? Ada, you just got beat senseless that is definitely not silly.” He argued. His scowl quickly transformed into a look of admiration; making the butterflies in my stomach fly wild.

He lifted his hand and put it under my chin tilting my head even more. I closed my eyes and waited as his lips lightly met mine. With his other hand he hugged me close and deepened the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed it (;
Ada and Deryck finally kissed!
Yeah this isn't going to be the last chapter but maybe one of the last ones.
I had fun writing this so I hope it turned out good.