Status: Active and Running


Oh Believe me I'm Lying

Ada's P.O.V.

The final bell rung. Everybody left me alone because of the new kid. Thank goodness for new kids. As I was walking outside I noticed a huge crowd. Hmmm, maybe it's the new kid? Whatever, Jonah's walking this way with a furious face. "Jonah what's wrong?"I asked. "Mark is with the fucking new kid!"Jonah growled. I gave him a confused look. "Why are you mad about that?"I asked. I mean so what if Mark wanted new friends why stop him. "Why! Why! Are you fucking stupid Ada!"He bellowed making me flinch as if he struck me.

Many people crowded around us. "Fight!" Some yelled. I was scared Jonah was gonna do it but his face changed from angry to sad. "Ada honey I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a tight hug. I gasped. "Did I hurt you?" He asked pulling away. I shook my head. Jonah NEVER hugged people. "I was just surprised you hugged me or anybody."I said smiling up at him. Suddenly the crowd around us groaned. They wanted Jonah to beat me up.

"Ada!" Mark squealed running our way. "Mark!" I also squealed. He tackled me to the ground. "Yey, you got Jonah to hug someone and you didn't get beat up today! Whooo!" Mark shouted jumping up and skipping in circles. "Doo doo doo doo!" Mark sang. Jonah helped me up and we bothed were laughing at him. Sometimes I wondered if he was gay. Not that it was a bad thing actually the opposite. Mark grabbed our arms and pulled us towards Jonahs car.

"To my house were having a sleep over!" Mark shouted. I snickered. "Alrighty Mister." It took a couple of minutes to get to Mark's place. Marks mom was really sweet to me and always lets me stay. She even bought me a whole wardrobe that stays here for when I sleep over. I see her as a mom not my friends mom. I call her mom and she calls me honey which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hey Jonah, Ada how are you two?" Marks mom asked kissing our foreheads. "Oh, hi mom I'm good thanks for asking." Mark said rolling his eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him. "We're good. Jonah gave me a hug today. Isn't that cool?" I said smiling. Her eyes widened. "He did what? Since when do you give hugs?" Jonahs face turned red. "I guess it's time for a change and I was tired of being grumpy all the time Cregs not coming back so it's time to move on." He explained quickly so I wouldn't hear what he said but I did. My eyed welled up with tears. "Yeah, he isn't but we can always be thankful we have each other." Mark said coming from behind me and hugging me. I dug my head in his chest. "Thanks Mark, Jonah, you too Mom for being there." I said crying silently for two reasons my brother and the wonderful people I have in my life.
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Sorry if this took too long.
Sorry if it sucks I can only write on weekends when I have a computer so yeah.
Title: Oh believe me I'm Lying- Forever The sickest Kids.