Status: Active and Running


Not Good Enough For Truth.

Ada's P.O.V.

I ignored the incident that happened a while ago. Deryck didn't care since he didn't really know Mark and thought he was just being silly. Maybe I'm just over reacting, ah well I don't really care right now. "I'm so very hungry!" I shouted. "Honey you want me to order you a box of pizza?" Mark's mom asked me. "Yes please." I whispered. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "You boys want me to order a box for you?" "Yeah ma we'll share a box and Ada can have her own." Mark said. She nodded and went to the kitchen to call the pizza delivery place.

"Wait, did you just say 'and Ada can have her own'?" Deryck asked with a shocked face. "Yeah, so?" I asked. "Well I can't even eat a whole box a pizza and you're super petite." He answered. I blushed and looked away. After we ate pizza I decided I wanted to nap. "Hey um I'm going to lay down."I said softly and walked to Mark's bedroom. Jonah and Mark knew that meant to not disturb me. I took off my flannel and looked at my arms. They looked almost black I had so many bruises from my parents. I sighed and lay down closing my eyes.

Hours later....
Deryck's P.O.V.

I decided it was time to wake Ada up since I was bored and Mark and Jonah were making out. Eww trust me. I got up without interrupting them and walked to Mark's room. I carefully opened the door. I approached the bed it was weird she didn't sleep with covers on. My eyes roamed her body and froze on her arms. I was sure if I was looking at myself my mouth would be wide open and my eyes would be bulged. "Ada!" I couldn't help but yell. She jumped and saw me. "Hey" she whispered. When she saw my expression her face drained of color. She quickly put on her flannel then ran off to some random direction.

I was so pissed who could do that to her? I stomped to were Mark and Jonah were. They pulled apart and looked at me confused. "What?" Jonah asked. "Who gave Ada those bruises on her arm?" I asked. "What bruises?" Jonah asked again. "The fresh ones on her arms. Could it be Trevor?" I asked enraged. "No he hasn't hurt her for over a month." Mark said getting scared. "She also had self inflicted cuts." I said sadly. Marks was crying. "My baby where is she?" "I don't know she ran off." Mark and Jonah exchanged sad looks. "Creg." They both whispered. I gave them a confused look. "Who?" "Um no one." They responded.

I knew they lied but I didn't say anything and followed them to the car. "Where are we going?" "Cemetary." Mark said. His voice was no longer happy or high pitched it was deep and full of death.
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Sorry for the long while it took before I updated. I had no internet but now it's back!!
Hope you enjoy it I wanted it to be kinda like a cliffhanger hope it worked. (:
Chapter name is from the song
Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliche by: Escape The Fate.