Status: Active and Running


Lake of Misery

Ada’s P.O.V.
I lay on my brothers grave crying nonstop. I couldn’t help but feel horrible. Why did he have to see the scars? Why I mean I seriously couldn’t even come up with a lie. All I did was chicken out man I am such a loser. I guess that’s why Creg killed himself he didn’t want to deal with me anymore. Me the stupid loser being related to someone so awesome and sweet we at least that’s what they say in school. The only people by my side are Mark and Jonah. “Ada.” The wind whipped around my face. The sky no longer looked peaceful It was gray and full of shadows. One of my biggest fears besides people is the dark and thunder. “Ada” I heard my name being repeated. “Stop!” I shouted scared out of my wits. “Why shall I ever stop it because of you I’m here all because of you…It’s your entire fault you are worthless in every way possible!” It sounded like Creg’s voice which scared me because he never treated me like that. He always showed me love never hatred but you now the saying never say never.

The air in front of me started spinning in a circle the dirt circulating also. Eventually it collapsed to the ground and in its place stood Creg. He looked like a light. “Don’t believe it Ada I would never blame you I love you. It’s not your fault I’m here it’s mine. Don’t follow my mistakes.” He rushed. “I love you too.” I said reaching out to him. As soon as we should have hit contact he disappeared and I was left alone in the darkness to cry and suffer.
Deep breathes of air rushed in and out of my lungs beads of sweat started to slowly slide down my face. “It was only a nightmare.” I whispered. I was in Mark’s room none of it was real thank goodness. Deryck didn’t really find my scars. I sighed relieved but then sadness enveloped my body I started crying it felt so real.Pulling on my flannel I ran out of Mark’s room to the couch. Mark was on the floor wrestling Jonah while Deryck just lay there bored. Deryck saw me and sympathy filled his eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked. Mark looked at me and his eyes widened. “A nightmare.” I whimpered as I ran into Mark’s open arms. “What was it about?” Deryck asked. “Creg and this really dark place..” I croaked out but you could barely understand what I was saying.
Mark looked at Jonah. “I think it’s time.” He whispered.

Deryck’s P.O.V.
Mark looked at Jonah. “I think it’s time.” He whispered. I was confused time for what? “Huh?” I said. Ada wore the same confused expression I probably had on. “I’ll make you a milkshake.” Jonah said. “NO!” Ada screamed almost instantly. Something inside of me stirred. “Can I make you one?” I asked. “Yes. “She said than quickly covered her mouth. “Ok Mark help me find the ingredients.” I ordered. He nodded but he had a dumfounded look. I just shrugged it off.
Mark handed me the ingredients as I made a strawberry milkshake. My mouth started to water so I grabbed two straws not willing to let her drink it on her own. I walked out with the milkshake. “Care to join me?” I asked Ada with my arm out. She jumped up and grabbed it. We both drank from the milkshake it kinda seemed romantic but I didn’t really intend it to be like that I just wanted a friendly um I don’t know what you would call it. Encounter? Ugh who cares if I can’t find the word.
“My first milkshake in a year since Creg.” She whispered. My eyes practically popped out. “A year and who’s Creg?” I asked. That’s when the postivie energy was sucked out of the room. Ada, Mark, and Jonah were quiet.
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Eh it was longer on Word.
Sorry that it's so short. I wrote this chapter before but it just went backwords a page and I lost it all so I had to rewrite it. Hope you enjoy it!
and the chapter isn't named after a song this time.